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[HQ Operator]: Alpha and Bravo are in the position,over.

The tactical taskforces group were known as"Raiders"are take siege on position to attack for the terrorists on the bridge.

They're going into 2 teams,Alpha lead by 1st Raiders named Katzugi Izurigi- 18 old years. and he's using an assault rifle,HK G36.

And Bravo led by Akira Hiroshi,1st Raiders and he's 17 old years.

[HQ Operator]: Alpha,Bravo,what's your status?

Katzuki: Alpha is here,we're going siege on the position to take attack.

[HQ Operator]: Copy.

Katzuki: Sniper,are you in the position?

From the side,the snipers are in the position exactly on the top building and he's using a AWM Sniper Rifle.

He's female Raiders and her name is Yun Lo,an female Raiders and he's Chinese.

Yun Lo: I'm in the position,captain. and i will cover the teams from away,cover.

Katzuki: Copy.

Yun Lo keep focused her eyes onto the scope of AWM Sniper Rifle,and take breath to steady.

At side of Alpha teams who is take siege on position.

Katzuki: Everyone hold your fire,and wait of my mark.

Raiders 1(White): Roger that,captain...

Alpha and Bravo are stay siege and waiting the terrorists convoys come onto the bridge.

The ARS Satelite has captured the presence of terrorists convoy that going on the bridge which Alpha and Bravo where is,they're get ready to attack.

[HQ Operator]: Alpha,the enemy convoy would be going on the bridge. get ready in the position to attack.

Katzuki: Roger that,we're going. over! Bravo!

Akira: Everyone get ready in your position to fire!

All Raiders(Green): Affirmative!

All of Raiders take up their arms and get ready to fire,waiting a orders of Katzuki and Akira.

At side of the terrorists convoy which is an 7 white car and 1 trucks,they wanna to going pass into the bridge.

They're never realize that's something was been waiting in the front of them,but they're not care it and keep moving.

On Alpha and Bravo's side who are in the position and get ready to taking fire for the terrorists.

Katzuki: Standby...standby...standby....

The terrorists convoy almost going there and they're ready to fire.

Akira: Hold your fire,we're waiting for them to going close!

Raiders 1(Green): Copy.

Alpha and Bravo waiting the terrorists convoy to get close,for take fire.

After they're get close,Alpha and Bravo going to take fire.

Katzuki: It's time,fire!!

THE STORM FORCE(Lycoris Recoil x Male OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin