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I didn't feel anything.

I thought I would feel something, anything.

My sister..my twin was back.

She was a stranger to me.

She hugged everyone and smiled loving to them as they did to her. She aswell didn't notice I wasn't there.

I was used to it. So it didn't hurt me. That's how I knew these people weren't my family. I wasn't attached to anyone here. I couldn't wait to start my own life away from here.

Later on everyone went down for dinner..everyone but me.

I lurked in the shadows. Not because I wanted to be apart of it but because I wanted to hear how her life has been without everyone.

I was shocked.

I thought Loretta would of had a bad life, one filled with abuse.But no.

Loretta was adopted by a rich family. They loved her, they couldn't have their own children and adoption was the next best thing. She got everything she wanted. Was treated like a princess.

I couldn't help but feel annoyed.

I was glad she had a good up bringing but I had the opposite.

Normally it'd the kid who gets kidnapped and mistreated but in this case it was me.

Not once did she ask about her sister.

The whole family looked complete. Without me.

I left and went back to my room.

Nothing changed. I still went unseen.

A few weeks later Loretta bumped into my in the corridor.

She didn't realise who I was and thought I was staff.

I laughed at her. She just looked at me funny.

I told her who I was that I was Tilly. She didn't remember me. I wasn't hurt.

That night at dinner time there was a knock on my door. It was weird. No one ever came to my door. The one person that did never knocked.

I hesitantly opened the door to see my eldest brother Massimo at the door. Come down for dinner was all he said then left.

I didn't know what was going on.

I slowly made my way downstairs. And went into the dinning room.

All eyes were on me. I felt out of place.

Sit was all my father said so I did. In the past 13 years non of them had looked at me or spoken to me and now today Loretta spoke to me, Massimo spoke to me and so did dad.

It felt so foreign to me.

Dinner was served and I made little effort to eat but seem like I was eating. I felt uneasy. This wasn't right. I felt like an intruder.

I quietly got my plate while everyone was talking and slipped out the room. Threw the food in the bin and washed my plate and put it back and left for my room.

The maids never cleared after me. Id have to feed myself and wash up.

I didn't like being here. Only 3 more months till my birthday and on that day I was gone.

My apartment was already waiting for me. I'd be half way across the country and these people wouldn't even notice. There was only one that might notice.


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