The end

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What is family? Is it blood? Or is it the people who care for you regardless if you are related.

It's been 10 years since I last saw my biological family. I made no attempt of make contact with them and neither did they.

I bumped into them a few months back at a restaurant.

They was all together sat enjoying a meal with their partners and laughing.

What did I feel when I saw them?


They didn't recognise who I was and I wasn't bothered if they did. I was there enjoying my anniversary with Jack.

We've been together 9 years. And it's been the best time of my life.

We have two children a boy 6 and a little girl 3 and they were our everything.

I, we made our own little family.

It was hard at first knowing how to love someone and letting someone love me back.
But we got there.

Jack knows about everything and never pushed me to try to reach out. We had jack's family that accepted me with open arms.

And that was enough.
I wasn't greedy for love and attention. What I was given was more that I'd ever dream off.

Being able to give love and attention to my own children was amazing.

Making them feel everything I didn't when I was a child was amazing the journey of being a mom was beautiful.

I was thankful to jack my husband for being me my babies. For sharing a life with me. For loving me.

I wouldn't change anything.

I am glad everything happened in my life to lead me to my family. Some people never find theirs.

I was one of the lucky ones!

We still had out little friendship group and although we wasn't blood and wasn't married I loved them like family and they loved me too.

Not every person is destined to have a miserable life, and that's what I would of had if I hadn't spoken up about Damien and if I hadn't left.

The best decision I ever made was to leave. I have no regrets.

I have my family.

The end.

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