Chapter 51 - 60

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Chapter 51

After Sister Yun left, Sister Yue said to Li Mo: "In the future, if she gives you more money, you can take it, no need to resist. She can only act generously to someone if she really likes that person. I can see that she likes you, so just treat her sincerely in the future. "

Li Mo also liked Sister Yun's character. She could see that she was also open-minded and had a bright personality, and this was exactly the kind of personality Li Mo liked.

Sister Yue didn't know what Li Mo was thinking, she sighed. "Don't look at her bright and cheerful appearance. In fact, she also had a bitter life. Her husband died early and didn't leave her a child. The only thing left for her was the restaurant. She was not interested in getting married again. Her heart, mind, and soul were now focused on spending time at her restaurant, and her attention was drawn to her face. Unfortunately, her face has not been well. "

After Sister Yue finished talking, she thought of the reason for Sister Yun's sudden visit to her shop. She smiled. "When she heard something that could make her look beautiful, she would always like to give it a try. So when she heard about your skills, she immediately came here. "

Li Mo sighed in her heart, but she admired Sister Yun very much.

A woman who was managing a restaurant alone didn't show any trace of self-pity. On the contrary, she was bright and generous. She was also an open-minded person. Such a person was worthy of admiration.

Thinking that Sister Yun's only enjoyment was on her face, Li Mo thought in her heart that she must think of ways to make her face better.

That night, Li Mo took out the fabric leftover from the clothes she made at home, and made an ancient version of the mask according to the modern mask, and then made a hat to cover the woman's hair and forehead according to the woman's hair bun in this era.

This mask and hat will insulate the fumes and stop the skin from continuing to deteriorate.

But to completely let the face acne go down alone will not work. She also has to think of another way.

In modern times, there are many products that can eliminate acne. You can just apply it directly to your face, but here, there was not even a deep-cleansing cleanser, only aromatic soap to wash your face, so if you want to get rid of acne, you have to find something that is available now.

Li Mo searched for a natural method to get rid of acne, and after thinking about it, two things came to her mind.

The first was aloe vera.

The modern aloe vera gel is soothing and can improve one's appearance. Besides that, it was anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

The principle behind it was that aloe vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Aloe vera was also very effective in getting rid of acne and also helps in expelling toxins from the skin. As long as the fresh aloe vera is washed and cut, mashed into a puree on the face for a quarter of an hour, you see the effect of it.

The second one was the Coptis Chinensis.

Coptis Chinensis is well-known for clearing away heat and detoxification. And it was naturally very effective in getting rid of acne when used on the face. Add the Coptis powder to warm water to make a paste, and apply it to the face. It also has a good acne-removing effect.

These two methods can be explained to Sister Yun tomorrow, and she can try them out.

The next day, Sister Yun came to the store before the appointed time and saw that Li Mo was busy applying makeup to a customer, so she didn't bother her but sat next to her and watched quietly. When Li Mo was finished, Sister Yun was a little embarrassed. "I'm so anxious, and I can't help but want to see what good things you've made for me. Good sister, show them to me."

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