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"The order given was very simple.

Kill all the enemies!

In response to that order, the demons’ hearts were set ablaze by their mission.

‹As our lord wishes!!›"

Rimuru wrestled with his aversion to violence, but an overwhelming urge to consume their foes and reduce them to nothingness prevailed.

Shuna, concerned, softly uttered- "Rimuru-sama..."

Diablo, with a wicked grin, relished the rare privilege of receiving direct orders from
-Rimuru-sama. --

How fortunate these lowly insects are," he chuckled.

Hinata couldn't help but worry,

Hinata-So many demons. If they were to lose control and threaten the human and Western nations, it would be catastrophic."

Luminous reassured her-"Fear not, Hinata. Guy will assume responsibility if anything goes awry."

Guy, taken aback, stammered- "M-Me? What are you saying, Valentine?"

Luminous persisted- "You oversee the underworld, Guy. If these demons spiral out of control, you must shoulder the consequences.

Guy sighed -Wait a minute...

Dino chimed in, Valentine is making a valid point.

Dagruel agreed with a thumbs-up.

Leon -unimpressed  warned Guy, If it falls under your purview, keep them away from my country. I'm already vexed by your kind.

Guy protested, What on earth are you saying, Leon..

Ramiris couldn't help but find humor in the situation -Haha, it's all Guy's fault, isn't it?

Guy sighed in resignation, Ramiris, even if I have no control over other primordial families, it's still risky to let them run amok in the Cardinal World, even if it somehow benefits me.

Rimuru, puzzled by the discussion, concluded, "I'm not sure what they're all talking about, but it seems I'm at the center of it."

Suddenly, Rimuru felt the piercing gaze of Lord of Darkness Guy Crimson, who wore a cryptic smile.

He couldn't help but wonder about the hidden meaning behind that ominous smile.

That's a bad sign

Milim couldn't contain her excitement. -Oh, this is going to be a blast! I can't wait to see those demons in action, tearing through enemies like there's no tomorrow

Michael- I hope  this won't inadvertently lead to unintended consequences. We must prepare for all possibilities and minimize collateral damage."

Feldway- you are right Michael sama..


Diablo’s single word stopped them all in their tracks. All the demons simultaneously turned their attention to Diablo. He held up one hand to ease the demons back."

Rimuru questioned impatiently, "What's the matter now?"

, Diablo replied, kufufu looks like I already have idea in mind...

observing the demons reactions
Aranaud -remarked--It's as if they fear him as though he might devour them for dinner.

Renard -Nonsense. He's a fucking Primordial Black. Who dares to defy his command?"

Grigori chuckled -These demons remind me of the six of you, cowering like frightened kittens in front of  your Lady Hinata."

Saare added,- haha Indeed, Grigori. Don't you agree, Glenda?"

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