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Aaron's POV

I have never been in detention.


As I stood in front of the door, all I could think of was my parents' reaction if they ever heard of it. Disappointment would not even begin to cover it.

Taking a deep breath, I push open the door to reveal a class that is totally empty except for the disciplinary teacher, Mr Sol, sitting at a desk in the front, his legs on the desk and a magazine in his hand.

"Take a seat", he says sin a very droll monotone voice. "No talking and don't disturb me."

Quietly, I walked to a random seat near the middle, and set my back beside me as sat down. I was just reaching for a book from my bag when the door burst open.

Mr Sol raised up his eyebrows in astonishment before returning back to the magazine.

"Take a seat Miss Barnes", he said to Kayla, who was already making a beeline towards me.

She takes the seat beside me, and I groan. We are in an empty class, and of all the seats, she had to pick the one right beside mine? I mean, I know that we are fake dating and all, but that is only for the public eye, and in private, I would like to forget that I ever hooked up with her in the first place.

I try to ignore her as I bring out my advanced physics textbook from my bag, avoiding her eyes staring at me. The fact that I am in detention doesn't mean that I can't catch up on the homework right?


Kayla pops a stick of gum into her mouth and starts chewing loudly, then she makes a large bubble, and pops it. Loudly.

The noise startles me, and I nearly jump out of my seat, only just managing to restrain myself as I hear her pop another bubble.

Resignedly, I shut my book and give an exasperated sigh.

"What do you want from me Kayla?"

"Hey", she says, making another bubble. "I didn't do anything. I'm just chilling here with my gum."

"Don't you have a class to go to?"

"Actually, I may have accused old kebab of denying my freedom to expression, and I may have told him that a dog ate my calculus homework, so he may have given me detention for a week.", she says counting off her misdeeds on her fingers.

I can't help but smile. "Why would you do all that?"

She looks at me seriously. "Because I wanted to skip class. And also, I wanted to say thanks.", she adds, as an afterthought. "You didn't have to do what you did for me"

I clear my throat nervously. "Jason shouldn't have said what he did. I don't care about your... previous experiences with him. He shouldn't have told me..."

"There's nothing to tell. Jason broke up with me because I refused to have sex with him. On multiple occasions. Some guys just don't handle rejection well."

There is a bit of awkward silence, so I feel compelled to say something.

"Alicia broke up with me because her friends said that I was too boring for the daughter of an heiress.", I say, my heart twinging a bit as I feel the familiar pain in my heart. The only person who knows why Alicia broke up with me is Keon.

"You're not boring – a bit uptight for a jock, but certainly not boring"

"Uptight?", I practically shriek, and she gives me a pointed look.

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