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Kayla's POV:

It's been three weeks since I walked out of that detention room with the intent to not let the hurt from Aaron ruin me. Some days have been bearable, other days harder than others. Last week, after one of his games, I saw Alicia kiss him on the cheek and I could barely hold myself together. For a second, I saw him looking at me and I had fought the urge to walk over to him. He has already made it pretty clear who he wants. He has made his choice and I have to live with it.

My art has come back by the way, which is pretty good. I've been spending most of my hours in the art room, often with Quinn, who not only helps me out, but is a great source of happiness for me. Sometimes, I see Aaron hanging around, but before I have the opportunity to speak to him, Alicia shows up and he leaves with her. It hurts me how much he seems to have moved on and it shows in my artwork. I can't channel any happy emotions, so most of my paintings embody raw pain.

My art competition is tomorrow, and I feel confident I will win. I walk down the hall towards the cafeteria, feeling the happiest I have felt in three weeks – since the week Aaron and I ended something we never had.

"Hey", Steph waves me over as I enter the cafeteria. As usual, I scan the room for Aaron and I find him seated beside Alicia, a bored look on his face.

Sometimes, I wonder if he is truly happy with her. But he must be – there is no logical reason for him to still be with her after all this time.

I force my lips into a grin as I walk over to my table and take a seat in between Steph and Quinn. Jason is seated opposite me which is where he usually sits now.

"I have news for you", he says, without his usual 'hey'.

He brings out a bar of snickers and hands it to Steph, who collects it happily. I think the only reason she tolerates Jason is because of the chocolate, and frankly, I don't blame her. She still hates him and has made it very clear that he is only sitting with us because he can help me get back with Aaron. The moment Aaron and I sort out everything, he goes back where he belongs.

I think that's the best option for all of us. I still hate Jason, just to be clear. We aren't friends, just people with a common goal - he wants Aaron to continue playing football well so they can win this season, and I want Aaron.

"What's the news?", Steph leans forward, while Quinn drops the book that she is reading.

"I am now certain that Aaron is being forced to date Alicia".

Quinn gasps quietly, while Steph looks skeptically at Aaron's table. But I glare at Jason.

"Is this supposed to be funny?", I ask.

"Not a joke at all.", he nods, and he looks perfectly serious.

But he can't be. There is no reason why he would date Alicia and be forced without telling anybody.

I turn to Quinn.

"Has Aaron mentioned anything like this to Keon?"

Quinn shrugs, her lips puckered in thought and she scratches at her afro. "Keon doesn't normally tell me things, but now that I think about it, he and Aaron haven't spoken since around the... you know, the breakup."

The way she says it makes me wince.

Like girl I know I was in a breakup but you don't need to say it like someone died.

"So, you have no way of knowing if Aaron is actually fake dating Alicia?", Steph steps in as she notices the uncomfortable look on my face, and I send her a look of thanks.

Jason rolls his eyes and takes a bite of the snickers bar. "Look, I don't know what Aaron told Keon, but I know what I heard."

"What did you hear?", Quinn asks, and we all look at Jason.

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