05: Double Trouble

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A few days passed and Price and Gaz left for a mission leaving Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, Charlie, and Me. I Spent most of my time listening to Soap and Alejandro talk about their previous assignments and the stuff that happened in them.

"What about you two? Any fun story." Soap asked looking up from his food.

"Oh yes!" Charlie pops up.

"In our enlistment regiment, Gisele was the most targeted person by the Drill Sergeant for being "weird". So, she was so many dumb stories. For example, she was far better than everyone at shooting and decided to help a few people, a drill Sergeant didn't like that so told her to comb grass."


"Oh yeah, we were caught together— she was having a breakdown, so we were told to sweep water when it was raining. So, we both end up having a breakdown and laughing at the stupidity."

"That seems like bullying." Soap states, setting his fork down.

"I know so did I, but Gisele was like "Bitch try me" so she took on every dumb challenge to the max. By the end we had photos of her posing while doing the dumb shit they asked her to do. Anyways I got the drill sergeant demoted." Charlie explains.

"You two are thick as thieves." Ghost mutters.

"Without Flaca I probably be dead or in jail."

"Really?" Alejandro asked a little surprised.

"Yeah, I was down the track to be a gangbanger. In high school I was bad I was sent to the disabled teaching program just to get rid of me. That's where I met her again."

"You two knew each other before high school?"

"Yeah, we went to the same elementary school and saw her then. we went to different middle schools and the same high school. So, I thought she was gonna recognize me and my image would fall, turns out this bitch didn't remember me at all!" The table erupted in chuckles.

"The point we became friends was when I walked in on her beating the ever-living shit out of a bully. Hottest thing I ever saw."

'He tried to date me' I write down and show the table.

"So, what happened?" Soap smiles leaning in.

"She looked me dead in the eyes— I'm not shitting! — This haunts me to this very day— she said, "Do you whimper?" When I tell you my brain stops working. It stopped. She said, "I like my men on their knees and whimpering." And you know what, I'm so glad I didn't date you." Charlie turns to me with a wide smile. I rolled my eyes. I did ask him that and I was serious, but he doesn't have to expose me like that.

Soap turns to me his mouth falls slightly open, "She said that?" I nod. "What confidence." He looked bewildered and shocked. Alejandro laughed and patted Charlie on the back.

"So, she's feisty."

"She's mean!" Charlie slams his hand on the table. "She bullied me into using shampoo and conditioner, not the 2in1 stuff." All the men turn to her.

'2in1 is gross and if you use it shame on you, that's why you're bitchless.' I write it down. They read it and smiled.

"You got an attitude."

I roll my eyes and slightly smile. "Trust me her attitude does get annoying if it's directed at you, but if you can watch it from the sideline, it's funny as hell!" Charlie said.

"What's the funniest thing she said?" Soap asked his smile growing bigger.

"She was sparing with a guy who said she's going to eat ass. Anyways When she won, she called him an "ass eater." They all turn to me with the same expression.

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