♡3 Decision

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It was right before closing that Ghost dropped by my room. He silently sat down and looked over at me. I waited for him to speak, to find his courage. He sighed and took his mask off. His warm dark earthen eyes seem to soften when they land on me. He has a scar across his lips and a bump in his nose from being broken.

"I was planning on asking you out after this," he says lowly. I nod as I study his face, I do not associate this face with Ghost. "Would you have agreed?" I sigh and lay down.

"... You adore me?"

"I do." I look away trying to collect my thoughts. I felt... Scared, fearful, excited, dread. I don't feel happy with the prospect of dating... But I don't hate them.

"I only recently realized I don't hate you," I said looking back at me. His eyes widened. He looked upset and a little hurt. "I hold onto grudges, and I have a hard time moving forward... Why me?" I asked him quietly.


"Why do you like me? What about me is likable?" I ask quietly. I never understand why someone would like me... romantically. I know many just want to fuck me, but not a lot like me.

"You're very beautiful."


"You're smart and I find the way your mind works fascinating. You're honest, very blunt and you do lack tack but you're honest. I... I find you very funny and insightful. You're also a great cook, but you eat too much sugar." He smiles his scar deforms into his smile line. He is a very handsome man. I sightly smile and look away my face heating up.

"... Most of the time people just want to fuck me."

"How honest of you."

"... I'm not likable," I said quietly and looked back at him.

"You are to me."

I groan and lay down staring up at the ceiling. His words made me feel bad. I felt like I catfished this man into thinking I was a good individual. I know I am a hot mess, and I don't know what he sees in a disaster. Does he have an I can fix them mentality? "I don't make myself likable—"

"I know, and I still like you." I stay quiet and let his words wrap around my heart and squeeze it.

"Why?" He grew quiet and the silence became suffocating. I held my breath and felt my heartbeat thumbing in my chest.

"Are you afraid of commitment?" He asks breaking the awkward silence.

"... Yes."

"So am I." I get up and look over at him. He kept his eyes steady on me a determination in his gazes. "But I still like you, I understand you and you understand me." I nod at his words I did to the extent I see how he handles trauma.

"I—" My voice fell, and I felt shitty still not picking but I could not pick... I mean I could, but I don't feel comfortable picking, it makes me sick. The anxiety was building, and I knew it would suffocate me.

"Is it really that hard to pick?" He asks quietly almost pleading. I took a deep breath in and let out a shaky sigh. "Do you like Charlie or König more than me?" He voices his insecurity.

"I am normally not so indecisive but here making this decision is making me sick, this is stressful." His lips press into a thin line, and he stands up and slips his mask on as if he's protecting himself.

"I want you, but I don't want to... share you." I stay silent at his words, "Focus on recovery and sleep on it." I nod and roll over; I want to cry, and I don't know why.

König appeared early in the morning before visiting hours were allowed. He knocks softly on my door and opens it. "Maus?" He calls out.

"Yeah?" I felt a cold dread settle in on me. I feel another painful and deep conversation coming in.

Echoes|| König x Reader x GhostWhere stories live. Discover now