Swinging emotions [17]

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"Weeeeeee" squealed Rainn as he was swung forward. Rainn sporting the biggest grin to ever be seen, his little green eyes sparking with joy. Rosalie had taken Rainn out to a local park, and due to the dreary weather she was fine to be out and there wasn't another person in sight so they were good.
The mother son duo were joined by both Alice and Esme, who thought it would be fun to have a girls and Rainn day out. This mainly being going to the park for Rainn. Alice was stood in front of the swing, getting to see all the cute faces Rainn was pulling when he was pushed her way. Rosalie stood behind the swing lightly pushing it, making sure he wasn't going too high that could possibly scare or harm him. Esme being sat on a bench next to the swing with most of the bags they had, her facing the trio.

"Aren't you a cute boy Rainn" Alice cooed to the toddler. Rainn just giving her his signature grin and a chuckle. Alice reciprocating Rainn's smiley face making Rainn's even brighter.
"So very pretty"she cooed. Rainn smiling even more at the compliment knowing that it was good.

"He needs a hair cut" Rosalie commented looking down at her son and how long his hair was getting. The family all liked his hair on the slightly longer side, well all except Emmet who wanted Rainn's hair to be just like his, And because Emmet was Rainn's favourite the toddler was on his side, yet the rest of them never let him get it cut.

"He's got pretty hair" Esme commented from where she was sat, this being accomplished by her vampire enhanced sight. She absolutely loved ruffling Rainn's light locks they always seemed so fluffy and soft, "he must get that from his daddy huh" Esme babbled to Rainn making her voice as appealing to the baby as possible, Rainn letting some incoherent babbles out is response.
Rosalie's face instantly hardening at Esmes words, both women noticing this.

"He is legally his father Rosalie" Esme said reasoning what she said. However this seemed to tick Rosalie off even more.

"He's an unfit father and I'm not going to let Rainn be raised half heartedly" she spat out is the calmest way she could, her eyes closed not having the heart to look over at Esme.
"But he's not your son" this you could tell hit Rosalie like a brick, anger instantly coating her mind. This time it was Alice who made the comment which struck even more painfully.
"Ive been better to him than he ever has" Rosalie was angry, she still managed to push Rainn on the swing at a reasonable pace. Him not understanding that an argument was about to take place.

"He's struggling" Esme said calmly, now standing up and walking closer to Rosalie. She was trying to show Rosalie that Edward wasn't making his decisions on Selfishness, but to protect Rainn.
"And when wont he be struggling? when Rainn turns 30?" Rosalie was almost yelling at this point, she was beyond pissed.

"He isn't raising to the task of caring for Rainn, so we are"

"Why should Rainn have to deal with a shitty childhood because of him" from Rosalie's perspective Edward was purposely neglecting Rainn to be moody.

"Doesn't that also mean that are contributing to this 'shitty childhood' then?"

"No. -sigh-  Its just him" Rosalie sighed out seemingly in pain. She didn't want to hurt her family. She just wanted to get to the point that Rainn should belong to her, Rainn should have her stability without Edward in the picture. If she could. She would have left with Rainn and Emmet long ago to distance themselves, however as Edward was on Rainn's birth certificate she knew that the rest of her family would go against her. Then maybe getting the royals in Italy alongside them, yet Rosalie was well aware that nobody had told any of them about Rainn's existence so that could go in her favour. She knew that nobody in her clan would go to them on risk that they would kill Rainn form being exposed to them.
Her taking Rainn had come across her mind multiple times, she knew they couldn't go to the police. The only thing stopping her was Emmet, she knew how conflicted he was in everything and in all honestly she wasn't 100% sure that he would come with them fully.
Yes she knew that giving the ultimatum of coming with her and Rainn, or staying with the others he would come, but she knew that he would be conflicted and not fully want to leave. Rosalie didn't want to put him in that position, but she knew she would if it was necessary.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeee" Rainn squealed as he was pushed forward lightly. Him really enjoying how the air felt against his face. This squeal cutting the three vampires out from their argument. Rosalie turned back to her small son pushing him lightly again
After a few moment Rosalie stopped pushing Rainn causing the toddler to halt swinging. Letting out a few confused noises Rainn looked up to his mama wondering why he's stopped.
"Mama?" Rainn asked out very confused in his very high pitched tones.

"Come on darling" she said lifting him up and out of the metal seat, Rainn just happily going along with her wanting to be in her arms. With Rosalie walking away with Rainn in her arms, her needing a moment.

6th October 2023
941 words

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