{2} The Final Stretch [3]

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As the car continued its journey along the dark motorway, Rainn leaned back in his seat, feeling the weariness seep through his bones. The monotonous hum of the engine blended with the podcast playing softly, lulling him into a drowsy state. Every now and then, he glanced out the window at the passing streetlights, him blinking as each one passed by the car, this occupying his mind for a while. Rainn was sat in the back seat behind the drivers or well in this case Emmets, this being one of the safest places to sit in a car. This seat also being the one that would be the easiest for Rosalie to turn back and see, thus Rainn being sat there. By now they had been in the car for around 12 hours of the 15 hour journey to Nashville, Indiana. There wasn't much conversation between the three, Rainn was exhausted and both Rosalie and Emmet by now have had enough of travelling. The clock in the car reading 20:00, and the entire outside world being dark.

Rosalie's voice cut through his haze, calling his name with a softness that matched the gentle rhythm of the road. He turned his head to meet her gaze, her concern evident in the way her eyes searched his. A soft smile pulling at her face as she saw Rainn's very out of it face.

"Yeah," Rainn responded, his voice carrying the weight of exhaustion. It felt like his brain was wrapped in a fog, the long hours of travel taking their toll. His hand reaching up to rub his eyes with Rosalie quick to pull Rainn's hands away,
"You could damage your corneas if you keep rubbing them, and you already hate wearing your glasses as it is" she stated gentility and she held onto his hands with hers, her enjoying holding him.

"We're going to pull into the next service stations for you to stretch your legs and go to the bathroom, this will be the last stop before we get ,there unless of an emergency, so I want you to go just in case" Rosalie warned as the car passed the services sign.

"Only 2 hours now. Are you hungry? we can pick you some more snacks up too" Emmet asked in a seemingly jolly tone. Him looking towards Rainn through his wing mirrors Rainn looking back at him through them.
"I'm tired" Rainn admitted, his body being exhausted from the travel, his head thumping against the cool window.

"You can go to bed as soon as we get there, nobody will mind" Rosalie stated, her much rather speaking to the family without having Rainn present, knowing that she needed to talk to them all.

"It'll give us time to get all our stuff unpacked" Emmet spoke, Rainn hummed to this liking the idea of sleeping in a bed,
"Okay"Rainn agreed.

"Do you want the heaters on? Air conditioning?" Rosalie asked wanting Rainn to be comfortable. Rainn, in her eyes, was currently off in another world paying no attention to anything, their hands still conjoined.

"Air conditioning please" Rainn asked, him finding the car to be slightly stuffy.

"Alright" Rosalie replied turning the air conditioning on separating one of her hands from his, Rainn humming in satisfaction as the cool air hit his face.


"Better?" Rosalie asked as she stood across from the bathroom, watching Rainn walking over to her as he shook his undried hands around. Emmet being absent.

"Yeah, did you brush your teeth as well?" Rosalie asked, her advising that he was to brush his teeth whilst he could. Rosalie knowing Rainn enough to know that he'd be asleep as soon as he arrived and dismissing doing his teeth, and seen as they don't have a dentist for him in America he needs to brush them as he should.

"Mmmmmhhmmm" Rainn spoke as he reached his mother and instantly wrapped his arms around her, tucking his head in her neck.
"It's alright we can get you settled as soon as we can, and I'll make sure that we aren't doing anything tomorrow so your brain can catch up with your body." Rosalie assured kissing the top of his head as she reciprocated his hold.

"Okay" Rainn mumbled feeling content in his mother's arms. Rosalie sharing this same comfort as her arms tightened comfortably around him. It was only a brief amount of time until another pair of arms surrounded the pair from behind Rainn.
"Feeling slightly left out here"

"Mmmmm" Rainn hummed with the extra weight.

"I picked us some treats for you"Emmet spoke reasoning his absence.

"You did?" Rainn asked lightly as he tried to pull away from the hug, neither of his parents allowing him only tightening their holds.

"Yep, some yoghurt fruits, and some rice crisp snacks and some chocolate" Emmet explained, knowing that Rainn had ran out of food hours ago.

"Thank you" Rainn thanked yet again trying to leave the hold, this time being successful. Rosalie hastily petting his head,
"Come on let's get this done" Rosalie said, referring to the last part of the journey. Rainn them waddling off to the car in front of his parents.


"I'll drive, you sit with him and make sure he stays awake" Rosalie quietly told Emmet, him having driven the first 13 hours.
"Awake?" Emmet asked, this going against their whole plan of him sleeping through the entire journey.

"If he sleeps again he won't want to when we arrive" she responded, looking at the sluggish way Rainn was walking now he wouldn't have stayed awake by himself.

"Alright, Mario cart it is" Emmet summed up with a grin on his face. Him knowing how much Rainn loved the game.

Slightly shorter chapter there wasn't much to write about
17th may 2024
Please vote and i hope you have enjoyed x

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