17.What happened to...Dumbledore

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We all sat in an awkward silence in the living room. Between Elliot and Thomas exchanging deadly looks and Ella and Robin shouting at each other from the other room, it was beyond uncomfortable.I sipped my orange juice and turned to Elliot, trying to distract him from staring at Thomas.

"So do you have a girlfriend?"I asked bluntly.I didn't want to waste time as I wanted to know if my little cousin was wasting her time. He seemed caught off guard with m y question at first but shook his head. "No? Why?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

I shrugged."Do you have a crush on any one.....?"I asked a bit more subtle I was dying to just ask him if he liked my cousin."Well I think Megan Fox is hot?"He replied. I rolled my eyes. "Elliot that isn't what I mean, i mean do you actually like someone."I explained to him.He opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it."That you actually have chance with."I told him pointedly.He seemed offended and was about to reply but again he was interrupted.

Ella marched into the room,Robin right behind her. Ella seemed to want to say something but it wouldn't come out. Robin stood behind her with her arms crossed and cleared her throat. Ella sighed. "Elliot, Caleb, I'm sorry for my inappropriate behavior towards you."She said before sauntering out and probably to her room. I'd been in so many awkward situations recently, I was kinda getting of it as we all sat in anything but a comfortable silence.


We all clambered into the vehicle after saying good buy to my cousins. My mom had texted me to hurry up and to be honest I had totally forgotten I had to mind Rodney. Randy took the wheel this time and Thomas called shotgun. I sat down with my book in hand, Marie across from me and Caleb behind.

I leaned back in my seat began to read. "How's the book?".

I jumped slightly and looked to my side to see Caleb had sat in the next to me. I had no clue how sat beside me with out me hearing. He waited for my answer."Eh it's good thanks" I answered. He nodded,"I'm guessing you like The hunger games, Divergent, Twilight and all that stuff?"He asked.

I shook my head. He looked at me surprised. "Yeah I kinda tend not to read books that everyone else reads, I mean every one is always talking about them and if your into them people are most likely to spill what happened in it. And when I read books I like to feel like I'm living another life, but if everyone is reading and talking about.....then it's not the same" I explained. He stared at my book pointedly.

I laughed. "Okay, okay,maybe I read some of them but only this and The fault in our stars. It took Robin like ages to get me to read her copy and she's still trying to get me to watch the movie."He gave me another surprised look. "You haven't watch the movie?"he asked. I nodded. "Yeah I also tend to steer clear of movies of books."I said then leaned in and asked, "Do you want to know a secret?".

He nodded. "I have never read or watched any Harry Po-"I began. "No!"Caleb exclaimed covering his ears."Don't say it please, just please, not even one of the movies?"He asked removing his hands from his ears. "I think I might have watched the start of one while flipping through channels but once I realized what it was I changed the channel."I told him.

He stared at me like I had just betrayed him. "How could you?"he asked me. I gave him a confused look. "Why? What's the big deal?". He gasped. "What's the big deal? What's the big deal?" He asked me veins popping out of his head. I leaned back in my seat, now worrying about Caleb mental state."I'll tell you what the big deal is. The fact that you haven't seen or watched any Harry Potter is disgraceful! Dumbledore would be ashamed with you!"

Even though I had no clue who this guy-Dumble...Dumble...oh whatever!- was I refrained my self from asking sensing Caleb would have another outburst."I didn't see you as a Harry Potter fanatic"I said smirking at Caleb as the thought came to mind. "Hey when your Granddad is obsessed with it and forces you to read the books and watch all the movies with him, It's hard not to be a fanatic"he said color rising to his cheeks.

I laughed at this. "Well it's not like I don't really want to read it, it's just that I really just don't like reading books that everybody else does. Like sometimes when I go over to Robin's and watch a movie while her friends are there, it's annoying when the main characters say 'Okay' to each other and it suddenly becomes a reference from The fault in our stars. I mean people said 'Okay' before the movie, it isn't even something cute it's just a simple word."I say exasperated.

"You're telling me?I went to the movies a while ago and the same exact thing happened!Then loads of girls in front started screaming and shouting and pretty sure one was crying".He said. I laughed but he didn't stop there he decided to demonstrate. He grabbed my arm letting out a girly scream and using his hand to fan his face. " Omigod,omigod, was that-omigod -was that a reference to THE FAULT IN OUR STARS!!!"He said in a girly voice before screaming the last part. I was bent over laughing and when I saw the bewildered looks on Tom and Caleb's faces I laughed harder. Marie was laughing too probably hearing the whole conversation.

Before we knew we had arrived back at my house and I reluctantly stood up and gathered my things. I had had so much fun and didn't I had laughed like that since the last we talked about Terry's outburst when my Dad bumped into her.

I slid door open as I said bye to everyone.I walked up my driveway and opened the door only to be pushed out of the way by parents, they ran to my Dad's car, My mom shouting "Sorry sweetie!", and my dad shouting "See you later!". I waved goodbye to them and walked into the house. I greeted Rodney who was was seating watching T.V. in the living room as I sat beside him discarding my things in the hallway.

After an hour of watching Phineas and Ferb making contraptions while their pet saves the world the bell rang. I didn't think we were expecting anyone and I turned took look at Rodney but he just shrugged. I got and opened door to see Caleb and Millie.

"Hey, so since my mom's having that book thing your parents insisted we came so we wouldn't be bored out our minds"Caleb explained.

"Okay,come on in."I said opening the door wider.Millie ran over to Rodney and sat on my seat. "Yes I love this show!" she said bouncing. I smiled before taking a seat beside her instead and Caleb beside me. We had a Phineas and Ferb marathon while eating popcorn I had made.

A question popped into my head as I thought about our journey home earlier. I turned to Caleb.

"There's more than one Harry Potter movie?"I asked.

The only response being Caleb sliding to the floor groaning.


Hey guys! Exams are over and I'm so happy I'm putting up a chapter today as well as one on Friday. I've also started a new book called 'He made Her smile again' pls go check it out. And I really didn't mean to offend any The fault in our stars lovers, i'm one of them so don't think I was trying to make fun of anyone.

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