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Salina was shaking atop of Dominik, he'd stripped her of her soaked dress in the trunk of their car where she was shielded and clothed her in his bloodied shirt for now as it would keep her from getting cold. She still wore her underwear and bra under it, considering she was now sat on top of Dominik's lap in the passenger seat with Lev driving.

The noise of the radio wasn't enough to quiet the silence between the three of them. Dominik leaned back in his seat, his dark eyes trained on his wife that sat across his thighs. When her back stiffened, so did his own. The back of her hand pressed to her mouth as if she was about to be sick, immediately he rubbed her back. He was fully prepared to deal with her vomit if that's what she had to do.

Still, she didn't say anything when the nausea passed. Instead, she opened the glove box and pulled out a pen and napkin. Turning towards him, both men watched her begin to jot down bullet points as she remembered them.

It was ten minutes of her crooked handwriting being scribbled down onto the fraying paper. When she was done, she blinked slowly. Rolling her head back, Dominik rubbed her neck to ease some of her discomfort.

"I have a concussion." It was the first thing she'd said into the thirty minutes of driving and since Dominik had pulled her out of the car. Her husband tilted her chin up, looking into her eyes while massaging her damp scalp.

"The doctor is already at home, baby." Sluggishly, Salina nodded at him. Lev looked at the poor girl from the corner of his eye as he raced the two back to where they'd be completely safe. "Is there anything you can remember that'll help us, hun?" Dominik shot him a look to shut the fuck up but Salina sniffled as she picked up the napkin again that she'd been fiddling with.

"Carter and Rory. I didn't hear the blondes name before Dima killed him," she whispered while looking at the ink on the paper. "Carter is the-the one that was driving. He had an American accent. The other twos were Irish, they said someone told them I wasn't going to give them trouble while taking me. A-And Rory called me Beaumont." She read off what she had written before she forgot it in the hecticness.

"That's enough," Dominik demanded before pressing his lips to her nose as they pulled up to their house. Security flooded the car as Dominik carried her inside to where the doctor was waiting to check the both of them out.

Later in the night, everyone was at the house. Angelo, Aleksei, and Dima were here. Dominik stood near them as they all spoke quietly, a doctor was continuously trying to wipe at the gash on his forehead but he ignored them as he stared at his wife. Her head laid on the dining room table, her eyes blinked blearily as the other doctor cleaned her temple. Lev held her hand, both her wrists were bruised badly. Both the gash on her calf and bicep only needed to be taped and wrapped shut rather than stitched for now. She'd gotten to put on shorts at least. Salina could feel him watching her, but she couldn't focus her mind at the moment due to her concussion. She'd never really felt like this, she always knew what to do next, she always had a plan. This was her reality as Dominik's wife and she isn't necessarily surprised- but still she couldn't shake the shock of the nights events.

She couldn't unhear the crack of that mans neck and the surge it sent through her to do it. Salina was torn down the middle, the satisfaction it brought to her was jarring. That man had taken her away from Dominik, who knows what he would have done to her if she didn't do what she did. And she would do it again in the same scenario. But that smaller part of her was horrified. Horrified that she herself had ended a life instead of just being linked to whoever was killing at the time. But Salina squashed that small part down. That part was useless and it was wrong.

"Honey?" Lev leaned forward, his thumb came and brushed under her eye to catch a stray tear. He'd seen her holding them in this entire night, how she would turn away from everyone in the house when they got to obvious. He wiped them away before anyone else could see them. "Do you need a second, Salina? It's okay to cry, no one is blaming you for crying."

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