Thirty Six

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"You need more wine in you," Vivienne came over towards Salina who was busy checking out veil. But she was obviously distracted looking at the three men that'd accompanied them, currently huddled in the corner talking fast and quietly to one another.

"I don't think more wine is a good idea," Salina hummed without looking at her friend. But she did grab her arms and maneuver Vivienne in between her and the boys.

"They've been whispering for ten damn minutes- something's wrong."
As soon as she told Vivienne that, all three men glanced over at her not so discreetly.
Salina glared at them suspiciously. All their heads snapped back to each other and the whispering only got more aggressive.

The bride to be's brows shot up in surprise, slowly gripping the wine that was previously offered. "Matter of fact- I will take that wine."

Vivienne sighed, reaching to rub Salina's shoulders comfortingly. She had changed into her white slip dress to look at accessories- taking a break from the changing room.

"Take a breath, Selly. Look," Vivienne grabbed one of the veils that had a tiara attached. Minding her curls, Vivienne put it carefully in Salina's hair.

"It'll all be okay. You look gorgeous if all else fails."

Both the girls smiled as her shoulders relaxed a bit, albeit Salina's was a little more strained than Vivienne's.

"Ah," Lev cleared his throat as he finally stepped forward. Salina hummed as she began sipping on her glass. "We're going to have to cut this short, ladies."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on," Salina glared.

"Малы́шка, I don't want to worry you."


Immediately, Salina felt her stomach fall into the pits of hell. She swallowed hard and tried to calm to sudden tremor to her hand.

"Where... Where is he?"

Lev glanced back towards Dima and Aleksei. "Don't look at them- where is my damn husband Lev?"

Aleksei piped up quickly at her stern tone, "He's actually on his way home!"

Salina's shoulders fell in momentary relief before Dima scowled at his brother. "So the meeting went okay with the Bratva?"

All three men paled, Lev chose to rip off the bandaid. "He was shot, honey. But he's on his way to the house right to the doctor."

Salina felt her throat clog, she felt like a whirlwind personified because while her blood drained it simultaneously flooded her face. She felt faint.

"Take me- Take me to him," Salina rushed out. She barely took the time to place her glass down, unbothered as the wine spilled everywhere.

"We can meet them there, please Lev I need to be there." Her voice cracked as she was already moving towards the entrance. Everyone followed, the older man nodding quickly.

Salina knew that if Dominik was being rushed to the doctor that it was bad. She's seen him impaled, punctured, slashed- he doesn't ever seek out a willingly doctor.
She's going to throw up.

Dima lead the group, bringing Salina underneath his arm. Aleksei held his hand out to Vivienne who'd collected anything Salina left, quickly Vivienne grabbed his hand and followed him out.

Lev rounded the back, running a stressed hand through his hair as he tossed the keys to Dima.


"Is that him?" Salina shifted in her seat as they pulled up behind an SUV that she recognized as one of their own. They were minutes from the house now and both vehicles were soaring over the speed limit of the road.

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