Chapter 9 - Almost free

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"So are you gonna tell us what's going on with you literally getting married?" Hyunjin puts his pencil down and leans back into his chair with a exhausted sigh, begging to do anything but the homework before him.

"Yah Jin you weren't supposed to say that..." Seungmin quietly whispers while jabbing the boys side with his elbow.

Jeongin stays silent, his hand still gripping the pencil hovering above the paper. His body felt like it was going to give out.

Guess what time it is!

You guessed it HELL.

I mean not entirely bad, Jeongin was graduating and finally exiting his highschool career. But with that came college and enterance exams and essays and finals and recommendations and HELL.

"Jeongin-ah I really need to get that suit order in-"

"I'm not getting married." Jeongin looks to his friends with a frustrated look, making Hyunjin close his mouth immediately.

The tension in the room was clear. Jeongin was stressed. Definitely not a version of him that was ideal. It was best to not agitate him any more.

After a few seconds of silence, if you don't include the sound of Hyunjin munching on Doritos, Seungmin decided to speak up.

"I think what Hyunjin meant to say-" He sends a glare to the boy beside him who blows him a kiss in return. "-was that he wanted to know how the dinners are going."

The dinners

Man were they the worst part of the young boys week. Probably the worst for his younger brother too.

Don't get him wrong, it's not like Jeongin despised Chan or his family, but it was all too much. He hadn't said a word to his parents in weeks unless it was infront of chans family.

They probably didn't even notice anyway.

They only show up when it's time to meet with the family their son will be married into. Pretending like they were living this perfectly life between the gaps.

But it wasn't.

Life wasn't perfect.

It never has been.

Even from the beginning, when Jeongins parents would leave for weeks at a time. Leaving young Jeongin and toddler Jungwon under the care of careless maids.

He never had parental figures in his life really.

It's like he raised himself. And he raised Jungwon.

To him it was normal, that is until he began meeting other people.  Realizing that family's had dinner every night together, they would go on vacations and play games or watch movies together.

It was hard to accept that this was his life.

Jeongins family was indeed not normal.

"They are fine." He sighs, pulling himself out of his memories. "The weeks are coming close, Chan and I are supposed to fake our fight soon."

Hyunjin and seungmin just makes Os with their mouths and nod along, glancing at eachother with weird looks. Seungmin almost glaring at the older, like he knew what he was about to say-

"You sure you don't wanna marry that daddy?"

"Oh for goodness sake can you not keep your mouth shut Hyunjin-" Seungmin throws his hands in the air


*ding dong*

"Innie! Wonie! They're here come down!" Their mothers voice echos up the stairs.

Arranged - JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now