Chapter 16 - Ugh we have to talk

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*Ding dong*

"Don't be nervous hyung." Jeongin brings a hand to his partners back, rubbing it softly in comfort.

"It's just... I've never gone this long without talking to my parents. I really went all out that night and probably disappointed them-" Chan runs his hands through his hair with a stressed look on his face. Though the younger couldn't comfort him longer as the door bell rang again.

Jeongin walks up to the door and places his hand on the handle, looking back at Chan for a moment before pulling it open.

"Hello mother and father." Jeongin bows to Chan's parents as soon as as he opens the door. He felt the need to be extra polite around them now, especially since he felt horrible for ruining their dinner and staying in their house since then.

"Ah Jeongin sweetie nice to see you!" Chan mother places a hand on his shoulder as she smiles. Behind Jeongin, Chan emerges and also bows deeply to his parents.

Chan's father however, stays silent. Not even making eye contact with any one there. They were entering their own house, but it felt more like Chan and Jeongin were the hosts. After a few moments, Jeongin and Chan lead the couple to the living room and sit them down.

This very needed talk was overdue.

So Chan swallows his nerves and opens his mouth. "I would like to apologize for what happened that night, I was blinded by anger and I felt like the parents of our families had hurt Jeongin and I saw red." Chan takes a deep breathe, "I should've handled the situation more appropriately, however I still believe that my anger was valid."

Jeongin was almost surprised by how well spoken his ex fiance was, but he too owed them an apology, "i would also like to apologize for speaking out rudely that night. Like Chan hyung, I was not in the best mental state and I let the anger get the best of me. I'm sorry for not handling the situation maturely."

Jeongin and Chan look at eachother in confirmation that they've said what they wanted to say and back at Chan's parents, expecting a reaction.

After a few moments of silence, Chan's mother lets out a sob, surprising the two boys. "Oh darlings I never knew you two were in so much pain. It was mine and your father mistake to force you two into this." She wipes her eyes, "We were wrong to put the businesses ahead of a young boys future."

"It's okay mother I-" Chan reaches out for her hand before he's interupted by a sudden voice.

"Chan. Jeongin. I'm sorry."

Chan looks back at his ex fiance who looked equally as confused at the voice, but when they both looked toward Chan's father, they saw his head in hands.

"I made a big mistake. I too was blinded by our buisness but I've realized since, that I don't want to lose my son. I should have never asked the yangs for their son and I shouldn't have been so hard on you two." His voice was clear and strong, though somewhat emotional.

The two boys had never heard him be so sincere. They both break out in a smile and stand up to hug Chan's parents. Jeongin even had some tears in his eyes, he felt emotional at the thought of Chan's parents feeling like his own. The family hugs and cries to eachother.

Though the two boys still had one thing left to say when they pulled away. Jeongin cleared his throat, "Mother, Father. Chan hyung and I have agreed to not marry, however we will remain partners."

Chan's mother wipes his eyes again, this time more confused however, "partners?"

"Romantic partners."


The next day, Jeongin had gotten a call from his younger brother to meet him at a nearby park. He said that they should talk about the plan they made. You know the one about how everything went to shit and they gotta recover. Yeah that one.

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