Chapter 15 - We Love You :)

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Isabella's pov:

I feel sick

I feel lost

I feel confused

I hate this, my family! That's bad enough but finding out they are friends of my kidnapper and also the English mafia

I'm kinda... Scared

I've not felt like this since skye...

Nevermind you get the point

It's been awhile

I'm laying on the bed that does not belong to me but instead belongs too the devil aka killian

I just wanna scream

Don't get me wrong, I want a family

But not this, not this family, not at this time, not in this prison, I wanted a healthy normal family

Not my kidnappers besties


They're gonna call me down for dinner soon, I'm going too have to eat

I don't want to i feel as if I eat I'd just throw it all back up

As that thought invades my mind a light knock at the door reaches my ears, I don't say anything so they just walk in

It's summer

"i don't know what to do" is the first thing she says

"how do we react? Am I meant to be happy?" i ask her knowing she can't answer them herself

"i don't know" she mumbles laying next too me and for a moment it feels as if we were back home

The most home we ever got

They took it from us

The two men that claim to love us

The men that we just found out to be our brothers

They took it from us, ironic I know, our family

Our father

We just sit there in silence, just sitting together with her is enough too calm me down a good bit

I want too burn them down

I want too hug them aswell

That's messed up, isn't it?

A knock plays at the door, we both ignore it, savering the moment, then he walks in, Alexander

I've not cried since.. she died but I've built up everything too the point I want too cry, I want too scream, I want too sob my heart out

Everythings gotten too much

"Innamorati, dinners ready" he mumble not daring too look up

"hmm" i hum too let him know i heard it and we'll be down there, he waits


I give up waiting for him too leave and get up followed by summer, keeping a straight face on.


That's what I feel

Determination too keep going strong, too show them all what they missed and what they messed with

Too make them regret

We walk down in silence, complete silence, awkward too

We soon reach the dining table, again silence, complete utter silence as we walk in,all stares directed at us, fear and regret lay in most

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