Find Somebody Else To Play With

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Find Somebody Else To Play With

Find Somebody Else To Play With

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Liked by trinarockstarr, champagnepapi, thenewclassic, and 171,974 others cassandraislande B*tches watch my every move, if you wanna be me just say that 😜View all 900 commentschampagnepapi They definitely want to be you🤭

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Liked by trinarockstarr, champagnepapi, thenewclassic, and 171,974 others
cassandraislande B*tches watch my every move, if you wanna be me just say that 😜
View all 900 comments
champagnepapi They definitely want to be you🤭

Cassandra walked into the studio. She placed her purse on the table. Aubrey frowned when he saw that look on her face that meant she was upset. Aubrey quickly asked everyone to leave the room so he could talk privately to Cassandra.

"What's up with you?" Aubrey asked her as she took a seat next to him.

"I'm trying to see why you making it seem like we're an item during your interview with Manoucheca," Cassandra answered.

Aubrey shakes his head. "I gotta let the world know even though we're not together, you're still mine, Cassie," Aubrey said.

"That's fucked up," Cassandra said.

"No, it's not. You know when I'm ready to settle down, you're going to be my wife so there's no point in pretending," Aubrey said.

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Hell no, I'm not a placeholder, Aubrey, you can't be acting up in public like that," Cassandra told him.

Aubrey nods. "I know, I'll get my act together," Aubrey said.

Cassandra kissed her teeth. "You're an ass, and you need to stop trying me. And please stop going around telling people that we are something that we are not," Cassandra said.

"Man, relax, Cassie," Aubrey said.

Cassandra looked at Aubrey in disbelief, utterly shocked at his audacity to claim ownership over her while providing no real commitment or stability in return.

As an independent woman who never allowed herself to be strung along by fickle men, Cassandra felt immense frustration with herself for letting Aubrey manipulate her emotions and treat her as an object for his fleeting pleasure.

But Aubrey had an intoxicating charm that enthralled Cassandra despite her better judgement, leaving her resentful that she couldn't break free of his spell.

However, Aubrey's revealing interview with Manoucheca finally opened Cassandra's eyes to the truth.

She confronted him directly, making it clear she refused to be toyed with any longer.

Firmly stating her intentions to find a man who truly valued her, Cassandra rejected Aubrey's weak excuses and empty promises.

Though initially resistant, Aubrey was left devastated as the reality of losing Cassandra sunk in.

He begged pathetically for another chance, but Cassandra held strong, no longer swayed by his superficial words.

With a sense of relief at reclaiming her self-respect, Cassandra walked away, leaving Aubrey realizing with deep regret that his manipulative games had destroyed his chances for a meaningful relationship.

"Fuck, man!" Aubrey yelled as he threw a tantrum.

Cassandra left the recording studio with a renewed sense of confidence and self-worth after finally standing up to Aubrey, her controlling and manipulative baby daddy.

For too long she had tolerated his toxic behavior - the jealousy, the outbursts, the emotional abuse - but no more.

Though he continued to beg and throw tantrums in an attempt to keep her under his thumb, Cassandra held firm, realizing she deserved better.

Driving away, she felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

She arrived at her best friend Andrea's house, who immediately pulled Cassandra into a supportive hug.

"It's time to find you a new man, a real man who will treat you right," Andrea declared. Cassandra couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's insistence.

When asked what she had in mind, Andrea revealed she had set up a blind date with a successful businessman.

After helping Cassandra get ready, Andrea dropped her off at the restaurant where the handsome stranger awaited.

The two immediately hit it off, conversing effortlessly over dinner. For the first time in ages, Cassandra felt seen and valued.

Just as the date was winding down, however, the mood shifted drastically. Aubrey suddenly burst into the restaurant with his entourage, removing other patrons from the restaurant.

Fuming with jealousy, he grabbed Cassandra, claiming she belonged to him while warning her date to stay away.

Mortified by the public spectacle, all Cassandra could do was let Aubrey drag her out, his abusive tactics on full display.

She was shocked by his audacity but refused to let him make her feel ashamed.

She had seen a glimpse of what true happiness could look like, and was more determined than ever to free herself from Aubrey's toxic hold.

Once they got to Aubrey's car, Cassandra and Aubrey argued all the way to the house.  "You stupid motherfucker, you really think you the man!" Cassandra yelled as she pushed Aubrey away from her.

"Yo! Stop it! Aubrey, you can't just go on a date with another man and think I wouldn't pull up," Aubrey said.

"I said I was done with you sos yes I can go on a date with whoever I want," Cassandra said.

Aubrey rubbed his face with his hands. "I don't want to fight, Cassie, look let's go to therapy and make this work," Aubrey said.

Cassandra raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you sick?" Cassandra asked him, shocked to hear him mention therapy.

"No, I'm just man that is willing to do anything for you," Aubrey told her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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