chapter eight: day out

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I hop in Quinn's Porsche.

"So, what exactly do you have planned? It better be good since I'm skipping out on homework." I say snarking.

"Well, I guess you'll see. I'm not spoiling anything." He answers me as he turns the car on.

He pulls out of the residence building and starts driving South.

Since it's getting to be winter, the snow is piling on the ground, making Vancouver to be a winter wonderland. One of the reasons I chose to come here is because of these conditions. The only con is whenever I have to drive in snow, I always have trouble. Like I hate it. I don't know how other people do it.

"Make sure to keep your eyes open so we don't die today Quintain." I sputter out while watching his every move trying not to die in this chilly winter day.

"Jesus when you use my full name it makes me scared you're mad at me." He says not taking his eyes off if the road per my request.

It's going to be a half hour until we get to wherever we are going. Quinn still won't tell me, the only thing he did let go is the ETA.

"I just realized how tired I am," I saw yawning. It's true. I haven't got a lot of sleep. Eva and I have been staying up late talking a lot. Probably not good but I love late night talks. They are a chance to reconnect after the long day.

"I might try and close my eyes so don't you dare fucking crash this car." I stare daggers into the side of his head.  Frightened, he side eyes me for a second.

"Believe me, I am nowhere close to crashing this expensive ass Porsche, Gen. You're going to need the energy." His face creeps a smile.

Hearing that, I try and close my eyes. It's always been hard to sleep in cars. I'm always afraid that I'll die in a crash and I won't be able to have my last words.

I just can never trust anyone behind the wheel. Not even my own fucking parents.

"Ugh, I give up trying to sleep. It's too scary knowing you're putting your life into someone's hands." I say quietly.

"You gotta trust me Gen. I've been here for a while. We will be fine!" He says in response.

The views are so pretty. Vancouver will never let me down.

We drive into this weird divided highway that doesn't have traffic lights. Instead they have little squares and they have arrows and "X's".

On the plus side, this road has beautiful pine and spruce trees that surround the straight road for like a Kilometer.

Nothing like boring ol' Ontario.

"So tell me about your girlfriend. I've heard all about her from my friends for some reason." I try and bring her up to know more about their relationship. Is he really happy in it?

"Well, uhm we've been together for a year now. She's been kind of distant lately though." He is kind of hesitant talking about her. That's odd.

"Oh?" Trying to give him a verbal que to keep talking.

"She's also being very possessive of her phone. We've always been open with our social media's and messaging apps but lately she always goes into another room when she gets a phone call."

"That's really weird Quinn, maybe you should talk to her about that. Does it like concern you? Are you worried about anything?" I ask.

"I mean kind of. She goes out a lot and always tells me she has to work late. I'm sure she's lying. I don't actually know what she does. And when she says she goes out with her friends, I check their snap locations and they are always not in the same place." He continues.

Heartstrings on the Blue Line - Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now