chapter fourteen: constant

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        "𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕙𝕚𝕞 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕪 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘.."

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Currently I was at the rink, practicing a complex spin that makes me go onto my outside edges. Coach said that for the next competition in a month or so I'll need to master that to make my routine good, and I trust her so I'm going to have to be at the rink a lot for the next month.

Being at the rink constantly is kind of torturous. The hockey team also comes so then I have to see Quinn. I haven't spoken to him at all since we got into that fight. I know I might have crossed a line but I don't think he was thinking clearly. I'm not going to be the one to speak first again.

As I was taking a drink from my yeti, I notice the group of guys filing Into the arena.

Great. A distraction.

I out my water bottle down and pick up my phone to see if there was anything important that I was missing.

1 new notification:

Instagram: Rachael Brodie has sent you a message!

Oh lord. Oh lord. My heart drops a little bit knowing that this text message wasn't going to be a nice one. Luckily, Eva wasn't doing anything at the moment so I pulled her to me.

"Quinn's girlfriend Dm'ed me. This can't be good." I explain to her.

"Just open it, it can't be that bad, I mean you don't talk mad shit about her to Quinn do you?" She looks at my phone with a puzzling gaze.

"No of course I don't.. I'm sure he told her about what I said though." I literally am so scared right now. I do Not feel like being yelled at by some bitch while I'm on the ice.

"Just open it Gen. It can't be terrible." She assures me.

I click the notification and use my face ti unlock my phone.

I click on her name and her profile picture is not of her and Quinn, but a group picture with her and some friends. Most of them were guys too.

I dont mean to sound like a pick me at all, but doesn't she say that she goes out with her girl friends?

I open up the message and read it aloud to Eva.

Quinn told me what you said. keep your fucking mouth shut about me. I don't even know you and you barely know Quinn.

I roll my eyes. She is such a bitch. I was also on my period though. Whenever I get emotional texts I always am so dramatic about them. tears try to well up in my eyes but I just push them back in and look up at the guys watching.

As I find Quinn, our eyes meet. He wouldn't look away.

"Okay everyone come to the middle for a team chat." Coach yells to everyone on the ice.

I look at Quinn with my eyes shiny as glitter and a shameful frown. I turn away leaving him wondering.

Quinn's POV (3rd person)

Quinn looks down at Genevieve as she's scrolling on her phone. He knows that she's aware that he is watching her.

After their fight a week ago now, he confronted Rachael and questioned her about her behaviour. She brushed it all off and after that she's been acting even more strange towards him. It just leaves Quinn wondering if Gen was right. Is there something going on?

As Quinn keeps watching Gen, he notices a sudden change in her face. It's like she saw something that she was scared of. She bit her lip and then brings over Eva in which looked like a panic.

I know her better than I think I do. Quinn thought.

They talk for a few minutes before Gen puts her phone down. Coach Val then starts talking to them and ushering them towards the middle circle.

Before she leaves, she looks at him for a second with a sad look on her face before turning away.

What was all of that about? He thinks.

Quinn wishes that they weren't in a fight right now. He feels like he overreacted and yelled at her when all she was trying to do was suggest something. He knew that she didn't have any Ill intentions.

He had too much pride to actually speak to her first. He also knew that she wasn't going to be the one talking either.

He pulls out his phone to text Rachael. He wanted to feel better about himself.

dinner tonight?

can't. Im gone for the whole day. I'll be back tomorrow.

Of course she couldn't. She's been making these excuses for a while now and Quinn was dine with it. He wanted to find out why she was acting this way.

he sighed and got up. The team had gotten up from their seats and went to play with a soccer ball as a warmup.

He was bored so he decided to join them.

Normally when he was bored, he'd text Gen but today he couldn't. He wouldn't actually.

He took in the distinct smell of rubber from the dressing room hall located below the stands.

It  distracted him enough to let the ball drop which caused the team to groan at him for not paying attention. Ruining their streak.

He couldn't care less. He could not get Gen off of his mind. He wished that she didn't live in there full time but that was his own fault as he wanted to get to know her.

Quinn walks away from the circle, and goes on his phone. He had an email from his physiotherapist. The next appointment made him nervous. It was at this appointment where she would tell him if he was going back to hockey. His shoulder really fucked him up physically and mentally. He just wanted to be back.

He knew he was going to be helping coach the UBC team for the season. He was going to have to  multitask. If he was cleared though.



Hi so I haven't posted for like a week lol. Anyways I tried writing in 3rd person for the first time, if there are any grammatical mistakes it's because I'm always used to writing in first person. Cut me some slack here.......

Ugh seriously writing books is like an escape for me and I greatly appreciate having readers who actually look forward to updates. I appreciate you all so much. Tanks for joining me!!!!!! 😘

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