The Last Guardian - Long Feedback

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The Last Guardian is a Kim Taehyung fanfic written by -agustellar. While this is my first experience reading this author's work, it certainly will not be the last, and I look forward to seeing more of their stories in the future. The Last Guardian has left a lasting impact on me, and I hope the author is proud of that because they are very talented, especially with worldbuilding.


Long Feedback (5-8 sentences):

The Last Guardian is a fantasy au, but you handle the world very well by giving us time to immerse ourselves without feeling overwhelmed. You don't expect us to know everything all at once and ease us through the process of learning the world and characters along with digesting the plot. Thanks to you taking your time, the pacing feels pretty solid throughout the story and gets the reader invested without overwhelming them. It's easy to get sucked into the characters as well, and I mentioned it in the Eclipse Awards, but I'll mention it again here: Hyejin and Taehyung were highlights for me since they had intriguing personalities and unique traits that made them stand out.

I don't really have any suggestions because, upon reading the most recent chapters, the dialogue tags and adverbs are much stronger now. I didn't notice many adverbs at all in the recent chaps, and the dialogue tags are much more contained, so I don't even have any suggestions anymore. Great job!



- Great worldbuilding

- Interesting characters

- Good pacing

- The dialogue tags are stronger than they were before (side note: I also like how you often use actions to say who is speaking instead of tags)

- There are less adverbs than there were before which is great



The Last Guardian is a wonderful fantasy story with a rich world the author takes the time to explore without it feeling like they're overwhelming the readers. While this is the first story I have read by this author, it will certainly not be the last, and I cannot wait to see more works by them. If you enjoy the fantasy genre, regardless if you like BTS fanfic or not, I strongly recommend checking out this story!


The reason I highlight that this is the first work I've read by you is because, for most contestants, I've read their work before, sometimes multiple times. In such a tightly-knit community of ff writers, sometimes it's hard to find new authors to enjoy. You came in and ran your way into my heart. I really love your work, and I can't stress enough that I can't wait to see more because you have a bright future. Please don't stop writing! You're doing absolutely wonderful.

Oh, and also: good luck in med school!

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