Update + Some Changes

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Hi everyone, I'm here to announce some changes to the review shop and an update.

For one, I am following a lot of people, so for that reason, I am going to be following you guys with my backup account from now on. I will be unfollowing from this account and refollowing from my backup so I can keep my notifs a bit cleaner.

I host multiple contests as well as this review shop and 30+ books, so I need to keep my notifs as clear as possible so I don't miss as many comments as I have been missing thanks to me getting 100+ announcements per day, many of which being unimportant "I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich today" type of announcements.

So, yes, you will still get a follow back, just from my second account instead of this one. I hope you understand. All the other things you get, like votes, will be from my main account.

After I do this move, I will be checking more often to see if you guys are following me. Most review shops don't offer follow backs, so please respect my decision to do fbs on my backup account instead of my main.

This will take some time to do since you can only follow so many people in a day, so expect this to take a good 2-4 weeks to be fully in effect.

Two, I am changing payments only for people requesting more than one review from me. So if you get one review, you don't have to do them and you only have to do the permanent follow. If you get one review then ask for one or more afterwards, then you have to do one additional payment per review.

I will have a list of payments for you to choose from, and you can do whatever one you'd like each time you request a new review. They will be easy and nothing strenuous, like following me from a backup account as well as your main, giving a shoutout on your mb, reading + commenting on one of the reviews to help boost this book in the algorithm, etc. Simple things you can do in two minutes tops.

I'm doing this because, honestly, I'm tired. The amount of people from this review shop who have unfollowed me is getting exhausting. I ask for one thing in return for:

- Votes on every chapter of your story

- Engaged reads to help boost you in the algorithm

- A follow back

- Potentially some comments on your book

- Detailed feedback

- Promotion for your story (assuming you do super public, which most do)

You get far more than you give, so asking for one additional payment in return for an extra review isn't unfair in any way, shape, or form.

However, I stand by my decision to keep the payment as only a permanent follow for first-timers because this is for small writers, and the easier the payment, the more accessible it is for them. I also enjoy doing reviews, so I don't need a hundred things in return.

This will be in effect when the review shop reopens. If you requested an additional review from me prior to this announcement, then you don't have to worry about it or do anything extra, it's only for extra reviews after I reopen the shop.

Three, please stop asking me about the status of your reviews. I was in finals season, which lasted over a month. I have not had the time to do all my contests, ongoing books, review shop, internship, job, and college. That's impossible. There's only 24 hours in a day.

Yes, it's taking far longer than expected to get to reviews, and I am sorry for that, but they are going to be out over the summer, and I will reopen the shop ASAP.

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