[28]it's about bella

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I was finally healed but my left side had scars now.
They're ugly to me but embry told me I still looked fine.
Edward when he came back also told me nothing was wrong with them.

I rode to school with Bella and Edward me sitting in the back.
Once Edward parked and turned off the car he turned to Bella.
"Do you regret going?." He asked her
"No. It was really great seeing my mom, it's just really hard saying goodbye."

I fidget with my rings on my hand as I think about my own mother.
Gosh Bella is lucky.
"It doesn't have to be." Edward says making Bella snap her head to him.
"Is that why you asked me to go?, hoping I was gonna change my mind?."

I mean it was a good try but we both know that's not the whole reason.

"I'm always hoping for that." He answers then look at me through the review mirror.
I smile at him.

"What?." Bella asked as we both noticed Edward's face changed.
Then I smelled it.
Wet dog.
Must be Jacob
"If I asked you to stay in the car would you."
Now he knows she's not gonna do that and neither am I.

He gets out and so do me and Bella.
"Of course not." He says as me and Bella walk side by side.
We see Jacob standing by the stairs.
He starts walking to us.
"Hey." Bella says.

"Charlie said you left town."
"Yeah to visit my mom, why?."

"He's checking to see if you'rere still human." Edward answers.

"Look I'm warning you if your kind come on our land again." He starts "wait what?." Bella says confused and now I'm upset.
Jacob is always talking when he should keep his mouth shut.
Edward grabs my hand.

"You didn't tell her?." He asked
"Just leave it alone Jacob."

"Tell me what?" Bella asked.
I let go of Edward's hand.
"Jacob don't" I say.

"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding it's nothing to worry about." Edward said not telling her the whole truth.
He just dismissed the fact that I almost died.
He looks at me and shake his head but I just turn away from him.

"It was more than that and you know it but I guess you'rere okay with Mortica getting hurt." Jacob glared at Edward.

Bella turns to me.
"What happened, what does he mean you got hurt." She sorta yelled.
"I got between Paul and Emmett my left side was shattered I'm healed now but not without scars." I roll my sleeve up to show her my arm.
She grabs it and looks at it in disbelief.

"I promise I'm okay now Bella." I try to reassure her.
She nods "we will talk later." She tells me
"Look at you, did you lie to get her out of town too." Jacob said making Edward get all in his face.
"Just leave.now."
"She has a right to know, she's the one the red head wants." He replies making Bella walk closer to them.

"Victoria?." Edward closes his eyes trying to hold in his frustration with Jacob.
He didn't want Bella to know so he could protect her.

"Alice's vision." Bella puts it together
"We were trying to protect you." Edward replied.

"By lying to me, we're going to talk about this but you." Bella turns back to Jacob.

"Why haven't you called me back?."
He looks at her for a minute before starting to turn away.
"I had nothing to say".
"Well I have tons." Bella starts to go after him but Edward stops her.
"Hey, Bella."
"Edward you have to trust me."

He shakes his head, shifting his feet.
"I do trust you." He looks to Jacob and back to her.
"It's him I don't trust."
She turns away and walks over to Jacob, getting on the back of his motorcycle.
Jacob has a grin on his face as she does.
I can tell Edward is upset.

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