"lose that fucking attitude"

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red roots be doing sht to me ngl

Today is one of those days where we got plenty of appointments, as time went by painfully slow, meaning Billie was moodier than usual.

she is basically our boss, hence why she got more responsibilities and is of course busier than all of us.

"fuck outta here, yall are no help" she huffed, going back and forth on her feet, typing unstoppably on her screen and sending away text after text.

me and the others shared a knowing look, being aware not to respond and keep our mouths zipped.

Billie disappeared in her office, not before telling me to meet her in 10 minutes inside.

since I'm the artist, I sketch and mostly freestyle most of the designs done on our customers, if they of course havent already picked one, or are indecisive.

checking my wrist watch once, I threw my pencil on the sketching table, letting out a puff of air before swiftly getting up from my seat and making my way to her office.

knocking firmly twice, I got in after hearing a faint  "come in"

stepping in, I spotted her seating man spread on her armchair, looking outside her window, kinda looking lost.

approaching her quietly, I took a seat on her desk, swinging my feet back and forth once I got comfortable.

"stop that"

muttering sorry, I awkwardly waited for her to inform me on whatever task I had to do next.

moving her head to look at me, she licked her lips, leaving them shiny and plump, as she bit down on her lower lip.

her grills shimmered, making me internally dead at the sight, as I admired her face tatts, I myself had done on her.

"you do stare a lot, hm" she mumbled, flipping her black ends to the side, as I brushed red strands of hair blocking her view.

"and?" I raised my brow, leaning back on her desk.

she chuckled under her breath, getting worked up, as I was getting under her skin.

"y'know damn fucking well, Lisa" she sighed angrily, fixing her black basketball shorts.

"I, in fact don't know, Billie. Enlighten me"

clenching her jaw, she grabbed me by my waist, making me stand infront of her between her spread legs.

"cut that fucking attitude, ma" she whispered lowly, glaring at me, as her cold rings put pressure on my exposed skin on my waist.

"what if I don't want to" I whispered back, squinting my eyes playfully at her.

she chuckled, looking to the side then returning her gaze on me and my body.

"stop fucking playing with me" she breathed out, harshly pulling me closer towards her body.

pushing my knee between her legs, I brushed it on her crotch, making her throw her head back.


putting her hand flat on my stomach, I could see the veins popping on her tatted up neck, as she trailed her hand up my chest, stopping on my neck.

pulling my leg away, she gripped my neck tightly, making a small whimper escape my mouth.

embarrassed, my cheeks heated up, averting my gaze on the floor and lowering my head.

"not so confident now, are we mama?" she laughed under her breath, caressing my jawline.

running her tongue over her bottom lip, she patted her left thigh, as she got more comfortable on her chair.

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