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The next day woke up before Amory, his eyes peeling open to catch the rays of sunlight coming into his room.

With a groan he finds himself out of bed and heading straight for the bathroom to refresh and get ready to deal with another day.

Dressed in a plain of high waisted pants, matching white ruffled sleeved blouse top and thick leather heeled boots. After that he decended from his apartment complex and headed to the company.


Calm..cool..and fucking hell.

The door opened to his assistant office and there and behold was no other than his headache walking to the room with a file document in hand.

"Amory, my favorite errands guy." She slandered with a teasing tongue.

Amory didn't say anything in reply and just watched her blankly. "Is there something here for you?"

"Well you and my itching feeling to bother and rub my accomplishments into your face." She smirked setting the file down and leaning against his desk.

Amory sighs.

Here we go.

"Can we kindly ask what accomplishments you got? I distinctly remember you only talking to clients meaning thats the only thing your good at. Talking."

"And cause Kim-" Amory takes a second, stopping mid way and not saying anything more. "Go away Jasmine."

"No, say something."

"I'm not bothering you so don't bother me. Kindly, go away." He smiled exasperatedly at her.

Jasmine tsked and lent off the desk. "No fun."

Amory waited till she left, the door closing behind her before his whole kind persona melted off and Amory starts cussing like a french sailor.

"Une telle sorcière nulle qui n'a d'autres ambitions que de tourmenter ceux qui n'ont droit qu'à un coup de projecteur!!" {“Such a lousy witch who has no other ambition than to torment those who only get the spotlight!!}

He even gotten off of his chair to harshly jussled the files and documents he was stuck to do and finish!

"C'est littéralement un enfer ! Comment suis-je censé gérer ça tous les jours si on ne me donne même pas une chance?!" {This is a literal hell! How am I supposed to deal with this every day if I'm not even given a chance!?}


Amory flinched and sets the file down, his smile back his face as Kim stormed into his room. "Madame."

"Client files. Send them this instant and also the transfer those new designs into their folder. Thanks!"



Amory placed his ass back onto his chair with a heavy sigh, rubbing his head in irritation and a little headache rising from his shoulders, up his neck and now his head.




Amory got off of work that hour, he was let off as they others get to stay back and get busy with making and stitching up their work pieces.

Meanwhile, Amory gets to go home, alone and doodling in his sketchpad for the next hour and drinking straight from the wine bottle.

I mean, that was the first thought till a car pulled up. A Rolls-Royce pulling up at the entrance. Little to him, he thought at first was a rich client but no.

 A Male StepMother To A Billionaire's Kids✓Where stories live. Discover now