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Dear readers,

I hope you've been enjoying the journey with Anisha and Atharva.

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Writing this story has been an exciting experience, and the excitement further intensifies when your support comes into play.

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I want you to understand that your voices hold immense significance for me. Your feedback, reactions, criticisms, and thoughts are not merely appreciated but cherished. They serve as the inspiration behind weaving this narrative and inviting you into Anisha and Atharva's world.

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With gratitude,
Your author

Third Person's POV

"Are you sure, Atharva?" Sahil's father, Rajat, inquired, his concern palpable in the furrowed lines on his face.

Atharva nodded solemnly, signifying both his acknowledgment of the challenges ahead and his steadfast commitment to the path he had chosen.

Sujata looked at Atharva with a mix of concern and sincerity. "Atharva, you really want this marriage, na? We need to be sure that you're not just saying yes for our sake. We want to see Anisha and Maisha happy, but we want you to be happy too. I've noticed how Maisha's presence brings joy to your life, and you, in turn, bring happiness to her. Anisha and you share an understanding. That's why we came up with this proposal. I hope you genuinely want this."

Atharva replied with a calm and resolute tone, "Aunty, I don't have any reservations about marrying Anisha. You know the reasons I've stayed away from marriage before, so I don't see any problem in it now. Anisha and I can support each other, and we can provide Maisha with the family she needs."

Sujata's eyes softened, and a warm smile graced her lips. "Atharva, your sincerity reassures me. We want this to be a union based on respect, understanding, and the genuine desire for each other's happiness. If you're sure, then we'll support you every step of the way."

Atharva nodded with gratitude, appreciating the trust and faith Sujata and Rajat had placed in him. "Thank you, Aunty. I promise to do everything in my power to ensure that Anisha, Maisha, and I find happiness together."

Sujata held his hand and patted it affectionately. "That's all we ask for, Atharva. The happiness of the three of you means the world to us."

Atharva smiled, and then ventured with a touch of apprehension, "Have you spoken to Anisha about this? Is she willing?"

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