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Hello everyone!

Before we dive into this chapter, I have a few questions for you. I really want to hear your thoughts, so please share your answers below.

(1) What are your thoughts on Atharva?

(2) Atharva seems so protective and caring towards Anisha. What do you think might be the reason for that?

(3) Do you believe Atharva has feelings for Anisha? If so, when do you think these feelings started?

(4) Can you guess why Atharva hasn't married yet?

That's all for now!

You'll find the answers to these questions in the upcoming chapters.
Your input means a lot to me, so please share your thoughts.
Awaiting your replies!

Third Person's POV

The Raichands were taken aback by Atharva's unexpected protective stance towards Anisha.

It marked the first time they had witnessed his fierce defense, that too for a woman, who wasn't Ananya.

His choice to marry Anisha, a widow with a child, left everyone reevaluating their perception of the man they thought they knew.

Atharva, fresh from a disheartening encounter with his family, stood on the brink of entering his study when his phone abruptly rang.

The caller ID displayed Anisha.

Without a moment's hesitation, he answered the call.

A sweet, childish voice resonated from the other end, "Superman, you promised to take me for ice cream today, and you forgot!"

In that moment, Atharva felt a surge of guilt as he realized he had forgotten the promise he made to the little girl amidst all the chaos.

Swiftly, he expressed, "I'm so sorry, baby."

Checking his watch, he noted it was only 7, and added, "I'm on my way. I'll take you out right now."

Just then, Atharva overheard Anisha's voice, faint as if she was far from the phone, "Maisha, what are you doing with my phone?"

"I'm calling Superman," Maisha replied innocently.

The sound of hurried footsteps reached Atharva's ears, and Anisha's voice grew louder, frustration evident as she said, "I told you not to call him, but you just don't understand."

Atharva could sense Anisha gently taking the phone from Maisha. Anisha's voice came through the line, and she spoke to Atharva, her tone a mix of exasperation and gratitude.

"Please don't bother with her, sir. I'll make her understand," she respectfully said.

Atharva, however, reassured her, "It's not a bother at all. I promised her, and I intend to keep that promise."

Anisha's voice softened as she replied, "Okay."

A warm smile graced Atharva's lips as he responded, "I'll be there soon to take her for ice cream."

Listening to Maisha, Atharva felt a profound sense of purpose and connection warming his heart.

He found himself pondering whether their life after marriage would be made up of moments like this, where he spoiled Maisha while Anisha attempted to stop. A broad smile graced his lips as he envisioned the bright future ahead.

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