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Jake couldn't look up to ashamed to see the look on the olders face. Sighing Heeseung gripped his arms tighter trying to pull him down the hall. Jakes body froze at the contact quickly trying to make distance between the two. 

" fuck Jake stop it!" Jake was now pulling his body from the older forcefully. His heart was beating rapidly and the last thing Jake needed was to pop a boner from one of his members touching his arms for god sake. 

Heeseung let out a grunt when Jake stood on his foot struggling they both looked like they were about to start fighting. Hearing all the commotion sunghoon came down the hall again this time with a look of concern on his face as he watched his two members push and pull at each other. 

"What are you doing Jake stop it" Heeseung words fell deaf to his ears as he took in deep breaths really just wanting the olders hands of him as he started to panic. 

"Woah Jake calm down man," he could now feel sunghoons hands coming to grab at his wrist to stop him from pushing heeseung away. 

"P-please let me go," it came out more of a whisper but still caught his two members attention. They both froze before heeseung let out a deep sigh releasing him along with sunghoon.

"Jake your drunk you can't be alone tonight," Jake huffed hanging his head low, his breathing and heart slowly going back to normal not having hands on him. 

"Just don't touch me," Jake missed the hurt look that flashed across the both of their faces and made his way down the hall going to turn into his room when he remembered that the leader was in there. 

"your sleeping with me tonight," Jake couldn't have any say watching as heeseung walked down the hall.

Jake sighed looking up he saw heeseung standing at the door of his room waiting on him but not looking at him. Dragging his feet Jake walked past ignoring the older like he was the plague he chucked himself on the olders bed trying to ignore the way his heart sped up. He was engulfed immediately with the smell of heeseung. Strong perfume with a mix of laundry detergent. Jake bit his lip when he felt the bed next to him dip. Cleary heeseung.  Jake ignored the speed of his heartbeat. He tried to ignore the fact he could feel heeseungs heat. He tried to ignore the smell of him. He couldn't ignore when dirty thoughts started creeping up into his head. Images of the older forcing Jake down as he mounted him, told him off for everything he'd done. Holding his arms down as Jake apologised. Jake winded his eyes covering his mouth when he felt himself grow hard. 

omg what have I done

Jake felt heeseung shift and the covers that he was currently using as a shield shifted over his full hard dick. Jake whimpered at the feeling clamping his hand down harder. His head was getting fuzzy the alcohol not helping his case at all. And of course heeseung heard him. 

"Jake? are you ok," Jake quickly closed his eyes pretending to be asleep. Obviously that didn't work as heeseung leaned closer to Jake his chest leaning against jakes back and breath near his neck and Jake whimpered again at the feeling of his hot breath over the back of his neck.

Jake quickly opened his eyes and turned around, he felt his tears water with embarrassment when he locked eye contact with heeseung who had a puzzled look on his face.

"are you okay what's wrong now," Jake quickly shook his head trying to ignore the way Heeseung was so close to him. 

"If your that uncomfortable I will leave," before Jake couldn't even protest heeseung was up and leaving, Jake flinched when the door shut turning around to lay on his back. 

I always end up ruining things, stop being so weird

letting the drink take over him he felt his eyes close and finally welcomed sleep. 

Jake awoke with a groan, his Body feeling like it was just hit by a truck, before he could complain he heard someone enter the room, turning to his the right of himself he watched as heeseung entered not even sparing him a glance, he'd completely forgotten about last night, he's gonna have to try and give a good excuse. 

He heaved himself up with a sigh watching the older stuff a duffel bag with comfortable clothes. 

"Hyung im-"

"Shut your mouth, im not in the mood to hear it right now." Jake winded his eyes in shock, the older has never spoke to him like this before, he could feel his eyes water but the elder didn't even care. Sparing him one last glance he walked out the room. 

Jake quickly wiped his eyes checking the clock next to him he saw it was 6 and he had got a few hours probably more than the rest of the group so he should be grateful. He walked out into the hall noticing he was in the same clothes from yesterday he made a beeline for his own room that he shared with jay but froze when he came to opening it. 

Just open the door.. maybe I should knock... but Jungwon

Jake shook his head of his thoughts and quickly opened the door but only being met with a freshly showered Jungwon. Before Jungwon could even send him a glare Jake charged forward quickly hugging the leader and letting out fat sobs. Jake felt Jungwon flinch when Jake finally got his arms around him pulling him down on the jay bed together. Jungwon could only sit there frozen letting the crying boy hug him. 

"I-im s-so sorry," Jake ended his apology in a big wail he couldn't help but hiccup and couldn't even from proper sentences. Jungwon just sat there shocked, he expected to give the boy a big scolding but he didn't expect Jake to act like this, he's never seen Jake act like this. 

"What is going on with you?" Jake pulled away from the young leader with a sob trying to look at the leaders face, he could see the look of confusion and anger and that made him let out a bigger sob covering his face with his hands. 

"im so sorry fro how I acted last night it was so immature I didn't even know the time and I acted so selfish and ended up making yous stay up late and im so sorry Jungwon-ah you don't need to forgive me but im so sorry I really am ill do any-" Jake was cut-off when he felt hands prying his hands away from his covered face and he only just realised how heavy he was breathing. 

"Jake hyung you need to calm down and we can talk about this another time, yes you did something selfish but what's happening why did you do that," Jake felt himself calm down, the leader was a lot nicer than the older members and Jake felt himself start to panic again at the thought. 

"Jake please calm down," Jake couldn't he felt like he was a huge burden he couldn't believe Jungwon was sitting here looking out for him when he done something so selfish. 

Before Jake couldn't even answer he heard someone enter the room. 

"Ah he's finally apologising," it was obvious it was jay but Jake kept his head down letting out deep hiccups. 

"You do realise what you did was so stupid," Jake felt himself flinch at the angered tone of his o2 brother but before he could even apolgise Jungwon had spoke up again. 

"Hyung now is not the time," Jungwon again clasped his wrist trying to get Jake to look at him but Jake immediately sprung up after hearing jay scoff from where he was standing at the door. 

"Again im really sorry I promise this will never happen again and im sorry to everyone ill make sure to apologise to them all individually," Jake gave himself a imaginary pat on the shoulder for being able to say it without crying but Jungwon wasn't going to let it go. 

"There's something else going on isn't there hyung," Jake flinched at the question looking up both jay and Jungwon were looking at him weirdly.

"Im fine just stupid," He couldn't tell them, it would change everything.

before any of them could protest Jake made a big bow before leaving the room, he finally let out a deep breath he had been holding in.

fuck this is gonna be a hard day.

Unspoken Desires; heejakeWhere stories live. Discover now