Chapter 11

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3rd person POV:

"What?! Put a human in there with him? I can understand Y/n but another person to fight?! Are you insane?" Dr. Payne shouted. Tokugawa and C. Strydum just smiled. "Hmm? We've never felt more sane in our life!" they said in unison 

"Besides, the man freely volunteered for the job" Tokugawa continued

"Why would you wanna let a human go up against a sleeping killer like that when most importantly he's holding his mate?" Dr. Payne continued to shout while sitting on one of the seats.

"Well, for one thing, it should make for an intriguing match, at the very last." Tokugawa amusedly looked at the sleeping Pickle and Y/n

"I agree" C. Strydum backed him up "I fight between Pickle's pure, God-given instincts and Retsu's mastery 4.000 years of kung fu tradition. This promises to be an epic battle"

"Epic massacre, more like! He'll be eaten a moment after he wal-" he was cut off by the two

"Shut up, Professor, will you?" they said in unison 

The three of them were shocked when they saw Pickle get up. It was sudden but he still tried to be gentle as to not wake Y/n up but to his surprise Y/n was already awake. They both started to look at the entrance

Sensing that someone was coming Pickle picked Y/n up and took her to the side of the ring. He wanted to keep her safe

Retsu jumped from the other side of the fence and at that moment Pickle knew that he was facing a worthy opponent, that's why he took the fighting stance which we never did before




While fighting Pickle was thinking a lot of things

'He's so small but his hits are painful!' 'He's a worthy opponent!' 'If I defeat him then my mate will be fully mine!' 'I'll go to the other side of this place, don't want to hurt Y/n'

So when he finally defeated his opponent he was happy but at the same time he was sad. He was happy because he proved that he was strong and can protect Y/n. He was sad because he had to eat such an amazing person(I think) 

When Pickle went to eat Retsu Tokugawa decided to run after him and save Retsu

"Y/n-chan do something! He's going to eat Retsu!" Tokugawa shouted while running

"Old man...he lost...he promised that if he lost Pickle would eat him. You promised that you would not interfere....I promised that I would not interfere.....and you know that I always keep my promises" Y/n said softly

But Tokugawa decided to save Retsu after all but was a bit late resulting in Pickle eating a part of his right leg




While the two off them were fighting there were a lot of times when Y/n wanted to help her friend even if he was fighting against her love but she didn't

She didn't because Retsu himself didn't want her to help him

When he looked at her and their eyes met she understood the massage immediately 

*Please do not help me. Please do not interfere. Even if I lose do not save me. Promise me you won't*

So all she could do was nod her head signaling Retsu that she promised




All the fighters reacted differently when they heard the news from Y/n

Some were shocked

Some were scared

Some were amused

Some were intrigued

And some

Were angry

I'm very sorry that I did not describe the fight scene 

I don't really know to write fighting scenes yet


This is it......................................................................................................

Love you all

Bye-bye ❤

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