Chapter 15

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3rd person POV:

After the fight between Katsumi and Pickle most would think that no one would have the guts to fight against the ancient warrior...............sadly that did not apply to Hanmas

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<<He what?!!>> Y/n shouted apon hearing the latest news

<<Y/n-chan.... you know I can't do anything against him......>>

<<Gramps that's my brother we're talking about!!>>

<<Y/n-chan you know how Jake can be.....we can't prevent it...>>

<< better make sure he's alive and intact after the fight Tokugawa........or else->>

<<Yes yes Y/n-chan I'll try my best>>

Sighing Y/n closed her phone and anxiously looked out of the airplanes 1st class seats window down to the deep and seemingly endless blue ocean

*Stupid brother! Why must my relatives be so f*cking stupid!.............Not talking about this stupid model agency!!....................................but they do pay well.............aghh-* Y/n sighed exasperately and ordered a sandwich from the stuardessa that came to take her order

Y/n could confidentiality confirm that the previous week was the strangest week that she ever had in her life. After visiting and making sure that Katsumi was feeling okay Y/n spent her time with Pickle: both of them enjoying each others company. Then suddenly their lovely time had been interrupted by non other then Yujiro Hanma the Ogre himself telling Y/n that they had to discuss something very urgently

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".....No". "Oh come on Y/n it will help you a lot!" Yujiro said while cutting his steak "Plus you have already passed your exams with flying scores! The examination committee even called to tell me that I had a genius for a daughter!" He said proudly while Y/n visibly shuddered from the horrible memories

Baki happily entered Y/ns room "Hey sis why aren't you coming out of your roo-wtf? Y/n?!" Baki looked around his sisters room with wide eyes and opened mouth. There were books, textbooks, quests, tests, papers and a lot of pens scattered all around the room and on all of the surfaces that there were. In the middle of that utter chaos was sitting a very mad looking Y/n with messy hair, red eyes, huge eyebags, tear strained cheeks in nothing but her pajamas as she was murmuring incoherent things while furiously writing formulas and examples on some piece of paper. It took  about 2 minutes for Baki to come to his senses as he approached his big sister with concerned and worried eyes "S-sis? I understand that you need to prepare for the exams but.....this is too much. You need to eat at least something! You're working 24/7 literally! This can't go on!" Y/n startled by Baki's voice jumped up as she did not hear him entering her room. She took a moment to calm down

"Oh Baki. Don't  worry tomorrow is my last exam. After that I'll be done" Y/n managed to answer with a simple hand wave

Despise Baki's pleas she did not succumb and studied all night. The next day she was finally free and the fist thing she did when she came back from the exam was laying face first on her bed and sleeping for the next 2 days.

What? She deserved it!

"I don't want to model" She answered a bit reluctantly

"It's  the best modeling agency in the world. They are willing to pay a lot for you to work with them. It's the M♤fashion after all" Yujiro stated knowing very well that he won. After all the only one could compete against his lovely daughter's stubbornness was no one other then her father aka him

Parting Pickle was the hardest thing that Y/n had to do. The madchild was simply not letting her go. It took a total of 3 hours to finally part with him. But it was not that simple.

No matter what she tried Pickle was determined on keeping his mate with him. So Y/n did something that no one ever expected

She f*cking kissed him! The kiss was simple, shy but sweet and gentle. Caught in the moment of surprise and euphoria Pickle loosened his grip on his lovely little mate. Using that moment Y/n quickly whispered in his ear that she would be back very soon and only after resiving a dazed nod from Pickle did she go to the airport

Oh but only if she knew that that small and simple gesture would make the already possessive Pickle even more obsessed


Here's a new chapter

Hope you like it!!


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