the shield part 2

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The large screen continued playing as the tboah side were having flashbacks and recounts of their Plaza terror incident, some more innocent and curious people were wondering what happened in their counterparts' world.

{Cale returned the shield to his heart and patted the now white tree as he started to walk away. The misty rain inside the fog started to wet Cale's shoulders.}

"Ah, the white tree.." Deruth said as people turned towards him.

"I knew cale had something to do with that tree but i never expected it was an ancient power, that's one mystery solved."

A/N (i think the tcf Deruth is still not the best father, but better than tboah, he only really outwardly started taking care of cale once his personality wasn't trashy anymore, i think that's a bit wrong to only care now, but even if it's too late he does now show cale care, so for me i think theres a limit on how close family he is to cale, if that makes sense, anyway that was my opinion, feel free to tell me what you think about Deruths character.)

{Cale liked the fog, but did not like rain. He started to walk faster toward home. He needed a carriage.}

Paseton felt bad after remembering how cale was like after he had met Witira. His sister really was sometimes terrifying.

Litana thought of when she had first met cale in the path of no return. She smiled remembering how cale had helped the forest.

Meanwhile Witira sneezed, 'Is someone talking about me?' Paseton next to her handed her tissue and they both remained oblivious.

A/N ( see the end of the chapter for that image in the manhwa/manga, i love it so much!!!)

{It was at that moment.

Meow. }

"Noona! That's us!"

"Ha, yeah, i remember.." 

{Cale suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck. It was the alley right outside the Count's Estate. He could see two pairs of round, golden eyes. Cale started to frown.

There were two kittens who looked extremely pitiful and drenched in the rain. They continued to meow as they approached Cale. They then started to rub their cheeks on Cale's legs.}

"The kitten-nims!!!"  "thank god, young master saved them!" Hans was practically Rambling and fussing over the 2 cats while Hilsman who was beside him was trying to  get hans to calm down.


Cale let out a sigh and started to walk. The two little kittens followed behind him. The tiny things somehow managed to keep up with Cale, even with their short legs.}

"bet you he was walking slow" some random dude said.

"i'm not taking the bet, i may as well just denote it to charity"

litana was smiling again remembering the cat On that cale had with him, and how she was now well fed and lived happier. The young master was such a kind person. 

{"Young master, what is going on?"

The person who greeted Cale at home was deputy butler Hans. Hans had a confused expression as his eyes opened wide. He seemed to be shocked. Cale clicked his tongue and handed Hans the things in his hands.

"Don't ask stupid questions and just take them."

Hans's eyes started to shake.

"W, what cute and lovely kittens!"}

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