sky eating water part 2

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hiya ヾ(^∇^) 

{{ skip this if need, it's just a note I wanted to have out because I didn't want to publish a chapter to notify this: 

heya, didn't wanna have a single chapter for this so I said it here, I'm sorry there was meant to be chapter on the weekend but I've been struggling to write it, I want to make it interesting and somewhat worth reading hopefully, so I don't want to publish it where it's at, I'm very sorry I write super inconsistently and lately that's been gone down a lot too. Anyway I hope you guys are going good.

TL;DR: Chapter delay to hopefully before June, I am weird, sorry and thank you.

- the very sorry but well meaning dumb author

Ignore, I'll delete it later!!}} 


" what a ending! Something's going to happen!" Bud 'hmm'-ed matter of factly.

"that's called building up" Glenn sighed.

"Whoever wrote this writes good, but I feel bad Cale's life is so interesting.."

"too interesting for someone claiming to be a slacker" Glenn agreed.

"Glenn?" Bud gasped, the he started laughing at cale's expense who was not very happy.

"shhh!" a noble near them whisper yelled.

"not my fault you have sensitive ears" Bud grumbled but silently returned to the screen.

{chapter 254: eat up! (1)}

The spear clashed against the shield.


Cale grabbed his stomach.

He felt woozy.
It felt as if his insides would turn over.}

"uggh, that sounds sickening" Hilsman said, his sea sickness helped him understand that feeling. 'No doubt it's a hundred times worse'

'I need to get stronger if I actually want to protect young master cale!'

they were always playing catch up to the one who called himself the weakest then proceeded to run into trouble ignoring his previous words because 'If I don't do it who else will?' and 'this is for my slacker life' and of course 'trust me' which they all already did. Even if cale didn't admit it, he had a really strong sense of responsibility, in the long term.

{It was different than the feeling he felt every so often when he used the Vitality of the Heart.

The glass plate that had become as weak as possible was causing Cale pain.}

"Damn you for having a glass like plate" Cale said turning to rok soo who gave him a look.

"Well that wasn't in my control was it?" 


"Exactly, I had a pretty healthy body actually, you could've just used a weapon, swords are a classic for MC's, but nooo, that's too much work" Rok soo teased while grinning a very punchable smile. 

"The MC is already using a sword" Cale said pointing to Choi Han who blushed and looked really confused.

"you see that, he's not like the others" Rok soo joked to alberu.

{"Damn it."

Red blood.
A drop of blood dripped from Cale's mouth to his chin and then onto the ground.
The color of that drop of blood was red.}

trash's life: tcf reactحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن