Chapter 9

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She took off her dress, and began to unclasp her bra,

"So you won't say a word?"

Julia jumped and was glad that she hadn't undone her bra, but it was still bad as she was left in her lingerie.

She saw that Alexander was scanning her body and he was taking her in,

"Aren't you supposed to be with your real wife?"

"Ava went home."

"What do you want then?"

"Where were you?"

"Out and about."

"Just fucking answer the question, Julia."

"I don't ask you where you are when you don't come to bed and when you are out."

"Is that it? You're punishing me?"

"I'm not Alexander, you can carry on with what you were doing and so will I."

"That won't work."

"Well then, to hell with this whole marriage."

Alexander walked slowly towards her, he stood behind her and his hands were on her shoulders.

His touch was so much for her and knew that it was because she was just a bra and underwear.

"What are you doing?"

He leaned down, and his breath was on her neck, "Then try to divorce me."

He let her go, and her heart beat fast, she knew that it was a threat, when she was done Julia went to their room and found Alexander in bed and he was reading some papers.

"Why are you still here?"

"I have been slacking on my husband's duties, and I miss my bed. If you have a problem then you can sleep on the couch."

"What a gentleman you are."

She climbed in and lay on her side, and she did not want to say a thing,

"How childish." Alexander murmured out.

"If you want to say it, say it to my face."

"Just go to sleep Julia."

Julia lay there as Alexander worked, as she lay there, finally sleep caught up to her and when she woke up, she was alone in bed.

In the week that came Alexander was not coming to their room once more, she felt slightly alone but she had Blake to talk to.

They already had plans to go out on Saturday and she was very excited, that kept her to have something to look forward to.

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