Chapter 16

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The following afternoon Julia sat outside and enjoyed the air, she checked her phone and there was no message from Blake.

Hey Blake, is everything okay? Did you get home safely?

After that, she noticed a message from Leo,

"So you are ready to see the moon and the stars?"

Julia rolled her eyes but she was captivated,

"Are you being serious right now?"

"Yes, trust me."


"Tell me your address."


"Just trust me."

She sent him her address.

Julia knew that she was taking a gamble but she was sort of excited, and the rest of the week went by and she barely heard from Blake, other than that she was busy and had to attend meetings.

Alexander also did not care anymore about her going out, but there was no point as Blake was not here.

"It's Friday come out with me."

Julia was surprised when she got the message from Leo and it was nearly eleven at night.

"Right now?"

"Yes Julia, I'm on the way, I should be by your place in five minutes."

Julia was shocked but she got dressed in a sun dress, paired with some sneakers, and ran out to go meet him.

He was parked outside, with a vintage car that had no rooftop, he stood there leaning against the car.

She went up to him and he grinned at her, "Ready."

"As I can be."

He opened the door for her and he climbed in too, the engine came to laugh and they sped off.

Julia was surprised that he was speeding, the wind in her hair was exhilarating, and her hair blew in all directions.

She felt free and stuck her hand out the car, Julia turned to Leo and he grinned at her. She leaned back and the moon was so bright.

The night air was warm, and they stopped by a gas station,


Julia climbed out, and they got in, they bought some drinks and snacks. She laughed, when was the last time she had seen some bottles like this?

They sat in the car as they stared at the night sky,

"Like it so far?"

Julia turned to him and smiled, "I'm enjoying it a lot."

"Then you will love what is more to come. Are you up for that?"

"Yes, I'm more than ready."

"How is your life in the palace, my lady?"

Julia rolled her eyes, "As best as it can be."

"Says a lot."

"What is the deal with you?"

"I've always lived by my rules and do whatever I want to."

"No obligations?"

"There are, but I don't let that stop me."

Julia smiled, "That is, I don't know if I should say brave or reckless."

"It could be both depending on how you view it, so how do you view it?"

"You're right, it is both."

"Then I hope I can show you more."

"I would really like that."

"Like the view?"

"I like it a lot, Leo."

"We should head back."

Julia was shocked, it was two in the morning, how long were they talking, she had gotten sidetracked.

"Yes, you're right."

The engine came to life, and they pulled out of the gas station, the drive back was just as exhilarating, the wind blowing her hair in all directions.

The summer breeze and the moon, when they arrived back at her place realized that the drive was long.

Yet she had not noticed due to how much fun she had with Leo, and she was tired, yet Julia did not want the night to end.

She climbed out of the car, "I had a great time, thank you."

Leo smiled at her, "So did I."

Julia headed back in and turned when Leo sped off, and she smiled.

She went in,


She stopped in her tracks, and there sat Alexander and Ava, of course, they had papers out to seem as if they were working.

The staff was also asleep, so that worked well.

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