Chapter 4

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"So do you have any other surprises for me today?" I run a hand through my hair and scoff

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"So do you have any other surprises for me today?" I run a hand through my hair and scoff. "I mean, do you have some sort of secret life Jeffrey Epstein style you'd like to share? Do I have a brother I don't know about?"

I'm seated in front of my large mahogany desk, facing my dad Charles who is sitting with his arms crossed in the guest chair across from me. I share the old man's facial structure but have smoother skin, a thicker head of hair, and what I'd argue in the present state, sanity.

He's about to respond but I quickly cut him off, "And do you have any idea who Talia is? Do you even know who you're getting into business with? You basically just signed a deal with the devil. Congrats. No need to get a lighter for the fireworks, we can just use the fire-breathing dragon. How can you not see what a bad idea this is?"

When my dad and the board shared the news moments ago, I thought it was a joke. Who would plan a merger without notifying the president of the company first? Then, I remembered who I'm dealing with and how this is just a page out of the Charles handbook. Give me the title and responsibility, but don't actually trust me enough to handle it. If I knew about it, especially that it meant working with Talia, I could've easily put a stop to the worst idea in history.

My dad laughs incredulously. "Do you even hear yourself? Talia is not the devil. From what I hear she's a genius with a bright future ahead of her."

"If by genius you mean conniving, scheming, and has two horns, then okay we agree."

"Stop acting like a child. I had to do this quickly and discreetly. Bill's been a long-time friend and we knew that together was the only way we'd be able to get through this economy."

I shake my head. "Oh, Bill? Your long-time friend, Bill? The one I've heard so much about?" I say with sarcasm heavy in my voice. "What's Bill's last name?"

"Okay, long time is relative, but Bill has deep-rooted experience and vision that this company could benefit from."

"I still can't believe it. I mean I know it's been tough around here, but I can't see how a co-presidency will work. You of all people should know how much I thrive working independently. Thank you for the opportunity but no thank you. I'm done." I shake my head while brushing my hands together, absolving myself from this disaster waiting to happen.

My dad scoffs. "Okay, good luck finding another job in this economy. You'd be lucky to even find work as a janitor."

"I'll take a year off. Go travel the world. Eat, pray, love style. Whatever, I have the money."

"Stop acting like a five-year-old and get your head out of your ass. I know it may not seem like it, but I'm doing this for your benefit." He sighs as if the weight of the world is on his shoulder. "I'll be retiring in a few months."

My jaw falls open. Those words are the last thing I expect to come out of his mouth. What would've been more reasonable was for him to say he was hosting a civil ceremony wedding for a duck and a cheetah.

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