Chapter 22

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What have I done?

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What have I done?

Lucas is seeping into every aspect of my life about as subtly as the 2010 BP oil spill. Now my dance group? This madness is getting out of control.

Yesterday I planned to convince him not to go to my dance practice but he left before we finished with Maria and Priya. And then when I tried contacting him, he either was in a meeting or not at his desk. It was like he knew what I was going to say and was avoiding the conversation. I even texted him but got no response back.

Despite the wave of nerves, a part of me does want to see him again. Over a day has passed since his imposing presence inhabited my office. Images of his lips on mine and his head in between my legs replay over and over again in my mind like a carousel. While I told him it couldn't happen again, my body seems to vehemently disagree. It aches for his touch every time he comes to mind. I ache for his touch.

It's just pent-up frustration. He's sex on legs and you haven't had it in years.

Still, a different kind of warmth flows through my belly when I think back to Lucas explaining finance to the girls. He's such a good people person. At first, I thought it was disingenuous like all of us were when trying to sell our company to a potential client. But now, I can clearly see Lucas has a way of putting himself in the other person's shoes. Even if that person is an early twenties woman who says words like 'slaps' in a positive way. He seems to care deeply about those around him and meeting people where they were at in life. And it's not just with Maria and Priya, it's with his employees too.

The more my mind starts to accept that Lucas will be showing up to dance practice, the more my nerves kick into high gear. It's a cocktail of excitement and nervousness, the former being elevated when I think about him learning some of the routines. I'd pay money to see Lucas attempt Ana's choreography. It drove me to call up Ana to fill her in on what was happening and to make sure my best friend picked the hardest routines for practice.

"I knew it," Ana said right when I mentioned Lucas.

"Knew what?"

"You had sex with him!"

"What? No, I didn't!"

There was some back and forth before I conceded and told Ana what'd happened in my office just moments before the girls showed up. After some squealing on the phone, Ana needed to go stop a patient from running away.

A couple of hours before practice, I bite the bullet and text Lucas again.

Talia: There are locker rooms at the studio in case you need to shower after.

This time he texts back barely a minute later.

Lucas: I knew you'd come around sooner or later.

Before I can think of a clever response, the three dots appear indicating he's typing. My nerves do some sort of dance of their own.

Lucas: I've never taken a dance class before. I will happily admit this is one area in life where you'll be better than me.

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