Episode 1

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3rd P.O.V.

After Y/n told team RWBY, Jaune, and Neo the shocking truth they remain in a state of shock, unable to move and causing Y/n to wonder if he broke them.

Y/n: I think broke them?

A.I. Eva: Maybe it was too soon to tell them after what they went through. They could be in a state of denial and are trying to adjust what's going on.

Y/n: Should I do something about this?

A.I. Eva: I think dumping a bucket of water on them could work on regaining their attention.

Y/n: How about a water blaster. Would that work?

A.I. Eva: More efficient and less messy. So, yes.

Y/n: Alright! Mind printing it out for me at once, Eva.

A.I. Eva: Right away, sir.

Eva starts 3-D printing the water gun as it starts filling up with water and with some finishing touches it was complete.

Eva starts 3-D printing the water gun as it starts filling up with water and with some finishing touches it was complete

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A.I. Eva: Water gun, complete and is ready for use, sir.

Y/n: Thanks Eva!

Y/n grabs the water gun from the 3-D printer then points it at team RWBY and Jaune.

Y/n: Time to wake up and come back to reality!

Pulling the trigger, Y/n fires a spray of high water pressure on team RWBY and Jaune faces. Completely soaking them in water and getting them all wet but it at least brought them back to reality.

RWBY/Jaune: Ah! What the heck!

Neo: "Hahahahahaha!!!"

Neo start rolling around in laughter as Y/n put down the water gun.

Y/n: Sorry about that but I needed to bring all you back to earth.

Weiss: But was it really necessary to spray all of us with water!?

Yang: Seriously, dude! Not cool!

Y/n: What was I supposed to do? Dump buckets of water over your heads. You know how messy that can be for me to clean up.

Blake: At least give us a warning next time!

Y/n: Hahaha! Nope.

All of them start wiping the water off their faces as they remembered what Y/n said earlier to them.

Ruby: Wait, you mention us being not real. What do you mean by that? How can we not be real.

Y/n: Because is true, none of you are real.

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