Episode 5

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3rd P.O.V.

It was the next day, and everyone started waking up when morning sets in. The first ones being Y/n as his alarm clock he set up in his phone goes off and start waking but will soon find himself in a surprising situation with Neo after last night event. 

Y/n P.O.V.

My alarm clock start going off on my phone as I just immediately turn it off as I rub my eyes to start waking up.

Y/n: *Groan* It's morning already.... *sigh* I hate Mondays. Better get up so I- Huh?

I felt something heavy on top of me as I look down to notice that Neo is peacefully sleeping on top of me.

Y/n: When did she-

I then remembered how she cried onto my shirt when I gave her back Roman hat as its reminder her how he's gone forever. She kept on crying until she fell asleep on top me, I carry her back to her bed in the jail cell but found myself unable to be freed from her grip as she clings onto me. Giving me no choice but to sleep in the same with her for the night as she kept her grip on me and buried her face into my chest.

Y/n: *thought* Now, I need to figure out on how free myself before Summer, Phyrra, Sienna or even anyone in the matter comes down here getting the wrong idea and the last thing I need is Neo start strangling me to death since everyone in the RWBY world have immense strength.

So, I gently start moving Neo arms off of me, but it only made it worst as she just tightens her grip around me in her sleep.

Y/n: This is bad, I think I only made it worst. *thought* Calm down, Y/n. You still got time before anyone shows up down here. Just need to-

Pyrrha: Y/n are still down here?

And if things didn't get any worse, I hear Phyrra coming downstairs toward the lab.

Y/n: *thought* Shit! This is bad!

I started panicking on the inside as I try to find a way to free myself from Neo grasp before Phyrra finds me like this. So, I try sliding down but that only made Neo keep her grip on me even tighter.

Y/n: *thought* Does Neo enjoy cuddling or something!? She's like an anaconda squeezing her prey.

Pyrrha: Y/n? Hello!

Y/n: *thought* Oh no!

I keep on sliding down until my face was between Neo breast, I tried to keep moving but suddenly felt her hands grab the back of head and put my face between them making me blush red. I keep hearing Phyrra footsteps getting closer and closer causing my mind to go crazy.

Y/n: *muffle noise* *thought* AH!!! This is bad! Minus the part having my face between Neo breasts totally awesome. But totally bad if Phyrra sees me like this and decide to kick my ass!

Seeing no other choice, I decided to do something that every man dream off....... I grab one of Neo breast and start fondling it.

Neo: *Moan~*

Neo started to moan from the pleasure as I can feel her grip finally start loosening up and using this chance finally freed myself.

Y/n: Finally! Phew!

Pyrrha: Y/n is that you.

Pyrrha appears around the corner as she sees me inside the jail cell.

Pyrrha: Y/n? Why are you inside the jail cell?

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