Chapter 3

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Arriving home, Hinata is received by her children:

- Mother! - Himawari and Boruto run to hug her

- What happened to the old man this time? - asks Boruto

Hinata scolds her son:

- Boruto, that's not the way to talk to your father. Apologize now!

- It's OK! Sorry dad! - Borufo grumbles

However, Naruto doesn't answer and stares at his wife:

- Are you all right, dear? - Asks Hinata worried about her husband

- With you, I always feel better! - Naruto says happily without looking away from his wife

- How corny! - exclaims Boruto in disgust

- How beautiful! - exclaims Himawari content

As Hinata continued to explain that everything was fine with her and Naruto to their children, another member of the family appeared coming down the stairs and said:

- Until you finally arrived

- Hello, Kawaki! - greets Hinata

Vampire Hokageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें