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(Wednesdays POV)

I walk in to Enid lying curled up on her bed.
She is very wet and constantly sniffing.
I'm confused how she got sick in 2 hours.
After I hung up my backpack I walk over to her and ask "What did that imbecile do."
"He broke up w- with me."
"I am going to smuther him in his sleep."
"No Wednesday."
What happened to my nickname?
"Don't. It was my fault. I was a bad girlfriend."
She puts her head in her pillow again.
"I doubt that it was. You're probably not that bad of a girlfriend. I am convinced it's his fault."
She looks up at me and I realize what I said.
"If you tell anyone I said that I will end you. Do you need anything?"
She says no but I bring her a water anyways and she falls asleep almost immediately.
This is the second night and I really hope she doesn't get used to me staying by her but in the end I fall asleep sitting at the end of the bed, also exhausted.

(Enids POV)

Wednesday is such a sweetheart. She really cares. She slept in a bed with me and continued to take care of me the whole next day. I am getting ready for yokos party, wich she has annually, when Wednesday says "do you want me to come?"
"Well I just thought that Ajax is going to be there and I should probably keep you away from him."
"Ok wens. You can come."
"It's not like I want to-"
"I know, I know."

(Wednesdays POV)

I can't believe I'm going.
Maybe it was because of Ajax.
Maybe because Enid looks quite good today.
Maybe because I'm going insane.
Ignore the second statement.

We arrive and there's some other people I know like Ajax, Xavier (ugh), Bianca, Davina and obviously Yoko.
Yoko says "ok everyone we are playing 7 minutes. Gather round."
Some people groan. Others blush. Enid doesn't say anything.

"The way this works is that someone spins the bottle and the person that spins it plus the person that the bottle lands on have to stay in the closet for 7 min. You can do whatever you want in there!" The group giggles.
I don't find that very amusing.

We gather in a circle and I decide to sit next to Enid, because who else would I be sitting next to?
Xavier asks me to sit next to him but I ignore him and walk to Enid, settling down next to her.

(Enids POV)

As she sits down I look at her and our eyes meet.
She does look really good today, but doesn't she always?
Plus looks really don't indicate anything about her because she could be wearing my clothes and still look like a serial killer.
"Who would want to go first?" Bianca asks.
Wednesday looks at me a short moment and then says "I'll go"
The whole room "oohssss" and I dont understand, I really wasn't expecting that but if that's what she wants then, sure I guess.
But I can't help but feel some kind of jealousy, or is it fear.
Fear that it lands on someone that isn't me.
I almost slap myself thinking that.
I can't be thinking that.

Wednesday spins the bottle and it lands on... me.
I don't know what and why I am feeling what I am feeling right now but we just stand up and get in the closet.
It is really auquard for a sec but then she says...

(Wednesdays POV)

"You look pretty Sinclair"
I immediately wanna through up because I said that but it's true.
She does.
That doesn't mean I like her or whatever.
I hope.
"Don't push it"
"Call me Sinclair again"
"Shut up"
Enid looks down at me and then says
"Make me"
I get genuinely shocked by those words.
I look at her and then, I don't know what I'm doing, I pull her by her collar and kiss her.

(Enids POV)

Wednesday just kissed me.
It wasn't a very long kiss due to the 7 min timer but it was a kiss.
And it was amazing.
After we get out the closet we play a different game. Or maybe only me.
Who can get drunk first.

(Wednesday POV)

I kissed Sinclair.
It's extremely dumb and immature and I know she is going to want to talk about it.
Stupid me.
I haven't seen her though.
Where the hell is she?
Then I see her.
She is covered in red plastic cups and looks incredibly drunk.
No one else is and I get worried.
She is going to do something stupid.
And as Ajax approaches her, she kisses him.
And I'm out.
I can't deal with this.
Fucking hell, really Enid?!


It's 1 am.
Enid is still not back.
I'm scared she hooked up with Ajax or something. And I just feel mad, and jealous.
That's when my phone rings.
I can hear drunk Enid.
"Wenssssss, where are youuuuu????? I wanna kiss you againnnnnn......."
And she hangs up.
She is extremely drunk and I can't even bother thinking about the things she said.
She is under the influence of alcohol.
She literally kissed Ajax.
Her ex.

I'm running back to Yokos.
Around the corner, into the 14th door.
I slam the door open to find Enid on the floor, not to far away.
I just pick her up and drag her to our dorm.


(Enids POV)

"Why are you in my bed again"
"I... you got drunk. Very drunk."
I am suprised to hear this because I really don't remember anything at all. I don't remember leaving the party.
"Wens what happened at the party?"
"You kissed Ajax. Then I left."
"Well you did. I left and you weren't home by 1 am and then I got a call from you and... you said... you wanted to kiss me again. I knew you were drunk so I went to the party to pick you up. You fell asleep immediately and I stayed here... not for a reason I just wanted to make sure you don't throw up."
I'm shocked by what I did.
I'm never getting drunk again I swear to god.
I can feel myself blush a bit.
I called Wednesday and told her that?!
And also I totally forgot about our kiss in the closet. OMGGGGG!
And... I kissed Ajax.
I am so fucking stupid.
And Wednesday got jealous.
What the actual fuck is going on?

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