Lemon lipgloss

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(Wednesday's POV)

Regret is the feeling I experienced when I said yes to Sinclairs request.
Wherever I go she follows.
I don't mind her being around but just a few days ago we found money on the floor.
She picked it up and almost got shot.
We've been very cautious.
"Hey wens?"
"What is it?"
She grabs me out of my thoughts, and I remind myself I should be writing.
"Can we go on a walk."
She walks over and sits on my lap, right in front of my face.
I can feel a rush of blood on my face and try to ignore her by putting my head over her shoulder to continue writing.
"No. It'll be to dangerous. If you need fresh air go on the balcony."
She looks unhappy with that answer and turns my head to face hers.
I try to move my eyes away.
"What are we supposed to do? Just wait for Tyler to come get us? We have to investigate. This is boring..."
"No. It's not about if it's boring or not. You're distracting me. Let me write."
She grins and I hope she forgot about the whole thing already.
She runs a hand at my jawline.
"You're blushing wensss..."
"You're hallucinating. I don't blu-"
She leans into my face and when her lips touch mine I shiver a bit.
This girl still drives me crazy.
She runs her hand in my hair and I feel like I completely lose control of myself.
Her lips taste like a strawberry and when she runs a hand over my cheek she whispers against my mouth
"You're wearing the lipgloss I gave you before we left for summer last school year... I thought you said you threw it away?..."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
I look at her for a second but she pulls right back into the kiss, giving me only short chances to breathe.
"It was lemon flavored. I can taste it wens. No need to hide it..."
Her lips travel to my neck which makes me even redder.
Every time her lips brush over it I breathe harder.
Eventually she pulls away, giving me a chance to breathe.
"I know it's the one I gave you."
"I-it's not."
I cover my face with one of my hands.
The fight between my breath and my heart makes me go crazy.
"Okay, I'll prove it."
When she stands up and walks to my bathroom I know what she's going to do but I can't prevent it so I bring my legs on the chair and put my head in my knees.
Calm the fuck down.
"Look! I knew it."
She walks out with the lipgloss.
I only put on a little to save it.
It's my favorite.
"That's not mine. You sabotaged me."
"How dare you accuse me! We both know it's yours!"
She sighs.
"I will catch you put it on Wednesday Addams. One day."
She puts it back in my bathroom.
"Over my dead body."


(Enids POV)

At 1 am I stand up and put on warm clothes.
I never forgot about Tyler.
She forgot.
I'm going to go out and investigate.
I can take care of myself and she needs to know that.
It'll only be short.
She won't even notice.

I put on my boots and walk out of the door.
The air hits my face and immediately I regret not taking an extra jumper.
It's freezing cold.
The moon is glistening up in the sky.
It's almost full which means I'm going to wolf out in a few nights.
My shoes make icy footprints in the frozen mud.
I don't know where I'm going, just waiting for something to happen.
Nothing happens.
I walk to the part where I almost got shot.
I step into the little round grassy area and walk to the center.
Suddenly everything happens very quickly.
I almost get shot again but jump to the side.
Two men come out but I have no idea who they are.
One of them is holding a bat.
The other a gun.
The guy hits me on the head with the bat.
I black out.



(Wednesdays POV)

I wake up surprisingly late.
Usually I'm woken up by Sinclair turning next to me.
Actually always.
Something's wrong.
I move my arm next to me to find no one.
I sit up rapidly.
I call out.
No answer.
No answer.
I check the clothes.
Sinclairs boots are missing, and so is her jacket.
She went out.
She went to look for Tyler.
And she's not back.
I rush out the door.
I don't bother putting on boots or a jacket, I run outside with bare feet.
It's icy cold.
You can see her shoe prints in the floor.
I sprint after every single one.
After just a minute I arrive at a place.
The place where she almost got shot last.
And then I know what happened.
But I only get to know for a second.
Before a bullet hits my legs and I fall to the floor.


(Enids POV)

I wake up in a dark room.
No window, no light, nothing.
I can't see my own hands.
My head starts to throb and I feel a big bump.
I cry out and move my hands around.
I start panicking until I touch something.
A hand.
I ask again.
No answer.
It doesn't take me long to find out who it is.
It's wens.
She went after me.
I have no idea where we are or what to do.
A small whisper breaks the silence.
"Wens! Omg why are you here!!! Are you okay?!!!"
"I... got s-shot."
"Fuck! Where?"
I panic.
"I-in my legs... I c-can't walk"
This isn't good.
I start crying.
"What can we do...?"
"My left pocket..."
I sniff.
"Check it... it has a knife."
She isn't supposed to be carrying a knife for safety, but right now I'm thankful.
I'll talk to her about it when we get out.
"Take it, and open the lock... then run away."
"You don't seriously want me to leave you here wens."
"I can't walk."
She tries to heave herself up but makes a little whimper sound and falls back.
"If there would be a way I could leave I would. I can't."
I stare at the black space where I think she's lying.
What the fuck should I do.
Tears start running down my face again.
"I- I don't want to leave you here."
"Don't cry Sinclair. If you want to cry later, just don't cry now. You have to go."
"I don't want to..."
I sob.
I cry so hard, I've never cried like this before.
Then I stand up.

**I don't know what to do here🤭 should I make u suffer?? Anyways till next timeeeeee, I'll leave u on this cliffhanger❤️**

WenclairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon