Elira Abbot

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I laughed at the movie as I spent all of the last two days in my old room and watching them.

My parents usually never allow this but since I was an invisible guest I'd take advantage.

My phone buzzed and I checked it, my heart stopping in my throat.

Unknown: You messed up, Elira.

Unknown: Wanna play a game?

I swallowed the mouthful of popcorn I held.

My stomach was rippling with terror.

Me: What game?

Unknown: Hide and Seek. Just learned about that one but this seems suitable.

Unknown: You go ahead and hide. I'll count to 100. Let's see if I can find you.

Me: Now?

Unknown: Now.

I turned off the TV.

My heart was racing, I had all the doors and windows locked since my parents were gone for a bit and hid any evidence I was in my room as I ran into my parents room, hiding under their Alaska King.

My phone pinged.

Unknown: Times up.

I felt tears prick my eyes, the house so quiet it was loud.

I had a ball in my throat, unable to breathe.

Then a door was kicked down.

Shit. My mom is going to kill me.

Five days. It took five days.

"I can hear your scared little heart." He laughed, his voice running through the walls of the house.

I felt a sob leave my throat.

I covered my mouth, petrified and regretting my existence.

"Awe. Did you miss me?" I heard his steps up the stairs.

His voice was low and rough.

I curled into a ball, my parents door opening.


"I can smell your cunt from miles away." He said, voice so close I nearly broke down.

"I know where you are, darling. Come on out." He said and I saw his black, metal-toed boots, tears falling down my face.

"Elira, you have ten seconds before I lift the damn bed." He snarled, I knew he was starving, his voice was gravel, none of it happy.

He counted down and the second he lifted the bed I ran for the door, nearly face planting as I ran down the stairs.

He laughed.

I almost got to the door before he grabbed my throat, yanking me back and I gasped for air, my body slammed against his cold, hard, trembling one.

"I love hunting my food." His tongue moved up my throat and I cried as he clutched onto me like a python.

He moaned as he bit me, pressing his cock against my ass and I writhed under him.

He kept drinking until I was hazy. Until it went black.


I had a pounding migraine.

I felt bumps and opened my eyes, seeing I was in a car.

"What's going on?" I panicked before a hand smoothed my hair and pressed my head back down onto his thigh.

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