Kain Benedict

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When I knew she had gone with the sounds of her breathing and stopping of her heart, I held her to me.

I didn't feel grief. I felt worry.

I laid her down, adjusting her hair around her head, feeling the need to cover her with a blanket.

As I predicted when she slept in my casket, she is beautiful dead.

Her silence the pit of my fear.

I gained so much comfort in her breaths that not hearing them stirred a type of panic inside me I didn't know possible.

She'd be so beautiful. I wondered if her eye color would change like mine did. I had brown eyes that became blue when I woke up.

Everything looks so much healthier even though your dead. Hair, skin, body.

She was already so beautiful but there were so many changes that were going to come from this.

I sat beside her all night until I had to leave for work.

I dreaded this, my boss said I could take off Friday as that would be day 3 which is the most crucial day of change and I thanked him.

I killed who he needed me to kill, threatened who I had to threaten, etc.

Got home to her as soon as I could.

Everything in me still burned but without her voice I felt better. I love her voice.

I removed her clothing, grabbing room temperature water and a cloth as I wiped her skin.

This would help regulate her death, she increasingly got colder overtime and with this it would help prevent to large of a decrease. She'd be more comfortable and I hoped doing this would wake her sooner.

I put lotion on her body afterward, pulling a hoodie and sweatpants onto her.

I kissed her cheek, holding her hand as I sat and watched until the next morning.

Call me creepy but I was desperate for her wake.

Repeated this process the following day.

Friday I spent monitoring her progress as well as cleaning the house top to bottom, getting a bouquet for every room, emptying to fridge and getting rid of the bulky kitchen appliances and instead installing a cooler with hospital donations of all kinds of blood for her incase she wouldn't like mine.

I hoped she'd like mine. But I can't control her taste.

Mine was her delicious AB-.

I fixed up her closet, getting a few belts since she would no longer have a metabolism therefore she might lose a bit of weight.

I kept checking her temperature and it was dripping rapidly.

Today I wanted it to hit -1° F.

That was the goal. That was more than halfway and that meant physical changed would begin tonight.

And she was at 13°F. Still a bit warm.

I bought more jewelry and shoes for her since she could come to work with me if she desired.

I got her pantsuits and changed her again, into shorts and a light long sleeve so she would cool more.

I bought her more of those nightgowns she liked and wrapped it all in wrapping paper for gifts.

I was losing my mind.

I got her roses to replace the dead petals on the bed.

I re-sprinkled them, pulling her body up to brush her hair, after she woke, she wouldn't have knots any longer.

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