Chapter 1. Dr Lavanya.(Introduction)

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Author's Pov.

"Aaaahhh" screams the little kid in the clinic in front of the doctors chamber.

"I don't want to go inside!" again said the kid. "But you have go beta don't cry, the doctor will do nothing! just checkup. stated the kids parents trying to convince him.

seeing his tantrums the nurse decided to go to the doctor herself.

"What's going on outside Sujata ji?" said the doctor as curious for the noises coming from outside.

"Doctor there is a kid who has a appointment here but he throwing tantrums to even enter in your chamber!" said the nurse, Sujata.

"oh! its okay Sujata ji, I think they are the Sharma's son whose two tooth catched cavity, and apparently they needed to be taken out! okay tell him that doctor has said that reports are normal and he don't have to lost his little teeth. And don't forgot to say I have chocolates! he will come running." asked the doctor with a calm smile. Sujata nodded.

After sometime Sujata is successful to bring the kid and parents. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sharma take their seats but their son is suspecting the doctor.

"Hello Dr. Lavanya!"

"Hello , hello Mohit! how are you?" asked Lavanya

" I am fine! But I don't want my teeth surgery!" answered the kid, Mohit. Lavanya smiled, " its not surgery it's removing your birth teeth dear!" "still you will do something inside my mouth and break my teeth, it will pain!" saying Mohit started to cry.

"Aree! Did I say that we have to do inside your or something? Huh?"
"Don't worry your taking stress like some big responsibility has on your shoulders do you know how many responsibility a person need-----"

Lavanya was continuously saying something, when she starts to get up from her chair and signs to Sujata to get ready. While getting ready herself.

With a continuous blabber she made Mohit sit in the chair and she starts to do a little spray on his tooth area too numb, while still blabbering diverting his mind and he listen to her keenly cause the topic was gone to 'make a chocolate factory'.

Suddenly a minor pain Mohit, felt it was then that Lavanya without even letting him know took out his two birth tooth which made him a little cry but was fine after.

She prescribed some medicine," it will not pain but still if it does give him this medicine, he will relief" Said Lavanya

"Thankyou doctor, otherwise don't know how his teeth could've damage the new once, once again thank you" Said Mrs. Sharma

"Its okay Mrs. Sharma this is our job! And you! Here take this, in the name of this at least you entered in my chamber remember" Asked Lavanya giving him a chocolate

Mohit smiled and take the chocolate
"But don't eat them to much otherwise you have to visit here again! Okay" Continued she

The family left after few more exchange of and after paying her. Lavanya's day went like this

This is Dr.Lavanya Arora, a young Dentist with a heart to cure everyone's smiling object. Teeth She is beautiful, intelligent, and passionate towards whatever she does. She has her dream job, money, but no one to love her she is lacking the feeling of someone's love. Her parents.

She was 15 when her parents died because of health and financial issue. It was then her Chacha and Chachi [uncle and aunt] take her with them but they always treat her like a extra in their family and treated her badly. It was then when she asked permission to live for higher studies to Bangalore. They happily told her to leave and never come back to them.

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