Chapter 2. Lavanya.

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Author's Pov

"Fine! I have fixed your marriage" Mr. Arora exclaimed
"WHAT??.......What did you say?" She asked in shock. She stood up from her dining table.

"Yes I have fixed your marriage with the Mehrotra's And they wanted to meet you!" Said Mr.Arora

"How can you?? can you do something like this?? What is your problem??.....Huh? You didn't even ask me for once!.....and why the hell are you suddenly so interested in my life? All those years were not enough to torture me?" Snaps Lavanya still couldn't process the words

"Sanvi wanted me to make you marry and send you away totally from our lifes!" He explained in a angry tone.

"What do you mean by 'totally send me away' huh? I am already staying thousands of miles away, don't even call you or asks anything since I left then why am I bothering you both?" Again snaps She

" But you have to do this marriage it's for our benefit and maybe yours too!"He said.
"They also stay in bangalore and currently they are one of the billionaires of this country." Stated Mr.Arora

"Benefit. Right.??" Laughs sarcastically.
"Have you ever thought of my benefit ever in your life just ask your dirty mentality for once! You just think about your benefit and like always I am the one who is at loss from my childhood and suffering even till now for your dirty works" She said in one breath.

"Whatever! When you know that it is our benefit then shut up you worthless and do as we say!" He snapped

"Its Ruhaan Mehrotra Your going to marry him. The CEO of Mehrotra Industries. You probably saw him on tv although your totally out of his league but he will treat you and show you your real place somehow"

It took her some time to process the name.The name was ringing in her ears
Ruhaan Mehrotra,' You going to marry him' ' The CEO of Mehrotra Industries....'

"No! Its a no even if you didn't consider to ask me and you don't have a right to make me force in anything!" She Snapped

"Oh poor girl I knew you would through such tantrums like you used to do when you were a kid that's why they are going to come at your place,and your going to say Yes otherwise you know what we will do......and we have already told them to meet you for dinner." Mrs Arora in taunting tone said snatching the phone from his husband.

"You stupid women you have made my life hell what did you want more now?? Everything was fine then why to make my life more hell I don't talk to you, live alone thousands miles away and I was happy minding my own business then why this? I told you I will pay you time to time then what's the matter?" She roared

"To make you suffer more!"
"You piece of shit you are enjoying your life too much posting pictures and having fun after you ate our all money you ran away!, our best times are wasted on you so you don't deserve to have a good time or good life like your parents you worth for nothing."

Lavanya understood what made them so irritated that they thought to do things on this extent. She was happy with everything until this call she thought. She's going out with her college friends, doing her job as dentist and have a good amount of net worth, whereas Mrs. Arora's daughter, Sunaina, married at the age of twenty one by falling in love but soon it turned out to be a toxic relationship and only for money the boy married, her husband started to beat her and until one day she beg for divorce in front of her parents. She got divorced. But after that no one is ready to marry her and she is staying at home as a freelancer.

Whereas Lavanya is successful in every way, whether its about money, or making good relationships with people she talk so nicely with everyone that Introvert, have best friends, living in a 2 room apartment all by herself she had done after coming to Bangalore and all these good things about her life, Saanvi was never able to digest from the beginning.

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