Chapter 21 - The Princess' Dilemma

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Sunlight streamed through the narrow slit of the practice yard, casting long, wavering shadows against the worn-out training dummies and well-trodden dirt. Iris Midgar stood in the center of it all, a bright and unyielding beacon of strength and determination.

A simple swing of her sword, the wind humming its approval as it cut through the air, resulted in another training dummy falling apart under the force. Iris let out a huff, strands of her fiery hair plastered to her forehead, sweat tracing rivulets down her determined face. Every slash, every thrust of her blade was a testament to her commitment - her duty to protect her kingdom, a responsibility she wore as a badge of honor.

After a final, fierce swing, Iris sheathed her sword with a sigh, her gaze drifting to the damaged training dummies surrounding her. They were stand-ins for the enemies she might face, but today they also stood as a symbol of her frustrations, her ambitions, her fight against expectations. She was a princess, yes, but more than that, she was a warrior, and her heart sang its loudest in the heat of battle.

Iris lifted her arm, wiping away the sweat trickling down her forehead. She inhaled deeply, the crisp air of the early morning filling her lungs, chasing away the remnants of exhaustion. A sense of calm washed over her as she closed her eyes, bathing in the golden light of the rising sun. The worries of her status, her duty, her future, all seemed to be held at bay in these quiet moments.

However, the serenity of the moment was abruptly shattered by the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching hastily. Her eyes snapped open, her hand instinctively reaching for the sword at her side. Iris turned towards the approaching knight, recognizing the sigil of the Crimson Order emblazoned on his armor.

"Iris-sama," he panted, clearly having run from the palace, "King Klaus requests your presence."

A feeling of unease coiled in her stomach. Meetings with her father usually meant discussions of complicated political plans or tedious state matters. She frowned, giving the training yard one last glance before nodding at the knight. "Very well."

With that, she set her path towards the castle. The heaviness of uncertainty seemed to anchor her heart, dipping it in a well of anxiety that was seldom experienced. Unbeknownst to her, a tempest of profound proportions was brewing on her horizon, a revelation that would shake the very core of her existence. But for the time being, she advanced, her heart's rhythm drumming a symphony of apprehension within her chest as the castle's silhouette, shrouded in the foreboding gray of dawn, ominously expanded in her view.

As she strode down the long, stony path, she caught sight of a familiar figure emerging from the castle's gardens. A wave of relief washed over her as she recognized her younger sister, Alexia, her silvery hair shimmering like moonlight against the early morning light. Iris quickened her pace, welcoming the interruption in her anxious march towards the unknown.

"Alexia," she greeted, her voice cutting through the soft rustling of the garden foliage. "It seems I have been summoned by our father."

Alexia, as poised and reserved as ever, arched a brow, her gaze taking in Iris's disheveled state. "You have a knack for getting summoned at the most inopportune times, Onee-sama," she responded, the corners of her mouth quirking up in a half-smile.

"I guess that's the price of being the diligent one," Iris retorted, managing to find some excuse despite her unease. They exchanged a few more words, their sibling banter serving as a comforting balm to her simmering anxiety.

After a brief moment, they resumed their journey to the castle, their shared silence a testament to their years of camaraderie and mutual understanding. The castle doors loomed ahead, heavy and foreboding, as if mimicking the weight of the impending meeting.

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