Chapter 22 - A Meeting with Anos Voldigoad

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It was a journey of several hours by train, from the capital to the Kageno territory and then a few more by carriage from the station to the estate. Alexia had made long trips like this many times before, but never under such circumstances. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her hands were clammy with nervous sweat. The gentle rocking of the royal carriage did little to soothe her anxiety.

The landscape passing by was a familiar one – the vast, sprawling farmlands that fed their kingdom, the lush forests teeming with magical beasts and ancient trees, and the quaint little towns and villages that were a testament to their kingdom's prosperity. Yet, under the weight of the task entrusted to her, all this seemed surreal, as if she was traversing an entirely different world.

The closer they got to the Kageno estate, the more her anxiety intensified. She kept going over what she was going to say, rehearsing the words over and over in her mind. However, no amount of rehearsal could prepare her for the unpredictable nature of Anos Voldigoad, the man she was about to face.

Even in her worry, she couldn't help but remember their past encounter. He was intimidating, yes, but there was also an undeniable charisma about him. His sheer power was awe-inspiring, his confidence infectious. But this very aura that made him so attractive also made him terrifyingly unpredictable. His reactions to situations were not something that could be easily gauged or prepared for.

The Kageno estate, when it finally came into view, was a modest and unassuming structure - a far cry from the grandeur of the royal palace. Under any other circumstances, she would have appreciated its simple charm, the way it blended with the surrounding landscape in a display of elegant humility. However, her anxious mind barely registered these details.

As the carriage slowed to a stop, Alexia barely noted the lack of ostentatious decorations, the absence of any obvious show of wealth or power. She stepped down, her mind a whirl of rehearsed sentences and potential outcomes, hardly aware of the 'maid' who greeted her.

"Welcome, Princess Alexia."

"Yes, hello. Anos...umm, thank you. Where is he... Oh! Could you... I mean, could you please guide me to Anos Voldigoad?"

Alexia's nerves were so frayed that she failed to even recognize Millia. She was in a state of utter disarray, the scrutinizing glances from her knightly escorts made her wish the ground would swallow her up right then and there.

Millia gave a nod, a hint of understanding softening her gaze. Without another word, she turned and led the way through the estate. The silent journey did little to alleviate Alexia's nerves; instead, the suspense seemed to thicken with each step, winding around her like an invisible shroud.

The interior of the estate mirrored the exterior's understated charm, a serene simplicity pervading every corner. Corridors lined with paintings of serene landscapes and ancient ancestors led to numerous rooms, their function hidden behind the heavy, ornately carved doors. Yet, despite the homely feel, the entire place bore an air of tranquil authority, an unspoken reminder of the power housed within its walls.

Eventually, Millia stopped before a simple set of doors, not much different than the others beside it. "Anos-sama is in here," she announced, her voice breaking the stillness. Before Alexia could muster a response, she pushed open the doors and gestured for her to enter.

Inside, the room was spacious and bathed in a warm, soft light that streamed in through the tall windows. At the far end, behind an elaborately carved desk, sat Anos Voldigoad. His crimson eyes met hers instantly, and in that moment, her rehearsed words faltered, disappearing like wisps of smoke into the charged silence. She was left standing at the threshold, clutching the rim of her dress in a desperate attempt to ground herself.

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