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It happened too fast.

Had he not held her back, she would have been splashed with the dirty water from the pothole by the car that drove past. Yes, he could've said something. But there was no time, just enough for an action. Now, in her eyes, not only could he see the surprise, but he could see her queries regarding his audaciousness to pull off this state they were in. The last thing Andrew wanted was a misunderstanding of his character.

Casually, he released his arm from her waist and took two steps away from her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect."

Ijeawele was able to shift her eyes away from him. During those few seconds, she couldn't quite think straight. She wondered if there was something she did that made him think it was okay to hold her the way he did. But at the same time, she unconsciously tried to justify his action because from day one, he never struck her as that kind of a man. Her thoughts were too confusing for her.

"See that pothole?" He pointed at the sunken ground not too far from where she was, and she looked at it. "I was trying to save you from being splashed by the car."

Ijeawele looked at him, and after a second or two, she nodded. She flashed a smile.

"Thank you."

Andrew nodded and smiled back. "You're welcome." He was glad she didn't take it any other way and accepted his reason. Without a word more, he took the first two steps ahead, and when she didn't turn back but followed, he felt calmer.

While Ijeawele watched him unlock the door to his apartment, a lot was going on in her head. When she said 'okay' to him a few minutes ago, she didn't see it as that much of a big deal. Now, after he held her and... well, something was different. It was like she became more awake or rather aware that he was a man and she was the opposite. It was nothing like meeting a female that both conversations just align perfectly and then hanging at her place for the first time, becoming friends eventually. Andrew was no woman. In fact, this was the first time she would step into another man's home since her divorce.

Kingsley, her ex-husband, was the first and only man she had ever dated. In the last two years, hanging with another man was the last thing she wanted to do until Andrew came along. To be honest, she hasn't been taking him seriously. After all, he was probably amongst the various men at work curious about what made her tick or how they could submit her. None were ever worth her attention. Yet, here she was.

What am I doing?

Finally, she asked herself the right question. Acknowledging that maybe she might have overestimated her capabilities to handle herself from such situations. She should leave if she doesn't want to get hurt again. Prevention was better than cure.

"Ijeawele." Andrew called again. This time, she lifted her eyes to him.

He stood at the threshold of the entrance. The door was wide open. Andrew had called her name two times already since he unlocked the door. As he stared into her widened eyes, he realised she must have spaced out at some point.

"You can come in." Andrew said as he stepped to the side.

Ijeawele was hesitant.

Leave now. Her head screamed at her. Her lips parted in an attempt and the drive to reject his offer. "Okay." Instead, that word came out just as she proceeded into his apartment.

She casually bit her lower lip, knowing fully well she was going against her sense of logic. The one that would keep her on the hurt-free path. Rather than wallow in regret over her decision, she assured herself that she wasn't going to let him cross any boundaries with her.

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