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"Ijeawele appears to be dating the man Delight is in a relationship with." Maria spelled it out. She wasn't about to back down from this fight.

He stared at her without any reaction. Suddenly, he sat up straight. "No, she's not."

Maria furrowed her brows. "How do you know that?"

Kingsley scoffed. "I can ask you the same thing. I know Ijeawele. She would never result in such antics."

Maria glared at her husband. Her frown dissipated. The silence between them lasted until she broke it. "It sounds like you're defending her."

"I'm not. I'm simply stating the truth."

"What truth? Kingsley, you've been divorced from her for almost three years. You don't know her anymore. You don't know what she is capable of doing."

He chuckled and got up on his feet. "This conversation is ridiculous. I'm going to bed."

Maria watched him walking away. The pace of her heartbeat gradually accelerated. Her hands folded into a fist. Once again, he was dismissing her words and somehow, she wasn't having it anymore.

She stood up. "Why did you marry me when it's obvious you still love her?"

Kingsley stopped. He turned to her. "Why are you creating such a drama tonight?"

His words infuriated her further. She walked up to him and stared into his eyes.

"I'll never be able to take her place in your heart, will I?"

He wore a light frown. "For goodness's sake Maria, don't act like a victim. You've always been aware of the truth before we got married. So has Ijeawele. I love you but I also love her."

She laughed. "I see. That's—that's why you still have her phone number. You refuse to listen to us because you believe someday, Ijeawele might take you back."

Kingsley went silent. This time, he's giving her a deathly glare.

Maria looked away in order to rein in her emotions. How did they deviate from making the discussion about Delight's situation? She closed her eyes, her hand to her forehead, shading the rest of her face.

Finally, she turned to him with a calmer mindset. "Kingsley, she's never going to come back to you. She has too much pride. The earlier you accept it, the sooner we can live in peace. So please—please, I don't care who you talk to or how you do it, make sure she lets go of Delight's man. I want to see my sister happy. She deserves it." Maria walked past Kingsley and headed straight for their bedroom. Delight who had quietly observed their entire discussion left his presence as well.

Kingsley remained standing, stewing in his own thoughts. Hoping for Ijeawele's return was one thing he never told anyone. Yet, somehow, it was obvious. The memory of the day when she asked for a divorce remained vivid in his head. It continues to be one of the saddest days of his life.

Kingsley wished he had controlled himself better. Perhaps restrain from making the life choices he had once made.

Delight's man. Maria's words repeated in his mind. He had seen Andrew once and that was at his child's naming ceremony when Delight introduced him. Nothing exceptional stood out about him. Kingsley's mind spiralled into a whirlwind of conflict on the possibilities that Maria was right about Ijeawele fancying this man. The thought of it didn't sit right with him. Either way, revenge or not, it needed to be nipped.


"Alright, open your mouth." Ebenezer held the two slices of bread with fried eggs sandwiched between them towards his young son's mouth. The young boy took a huge bite and his father smiled at him. He left the bread on the plate and picked up the small cup of tea. Gently, he stirred the simmering mixture of powdered cocoa and milk. Using the spoon, he carried some of it, blew well onto it and proceeded to feed it to his son. In the same way, he repeated a few times. Then proceeded to help him put on his white stockings then his polished black shoes.

Maybe, You Will See Me NowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz