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excuse any mistakes.

𝐌𝐢𝐞𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢 𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧

Mieke sat in an Uber, looking out of the window with tears in her eyes. Her heart was filled with sadness. The night around her was like a dark canvas with bright car lights and streetlamps painting a picture of her lonely journey.

The city, which used to feel lively and welcoming, now appeared distant and unfriendly, just like her own troubled heart.

The Uber pulled up in front of the Hilton hotel, and Mieke, her face wet with tears, wiped them away with a shaky hand. With a quivering voice, she spoke, "Thank you." before reaching for her bags, beside her in the car.

The Uber driver told Mieke, "You're welcome, and I hope things get better for you." These words cut deep, making Mieke's heart ache. She couldn't bring herself to speak. Instead, she nodded and opened the car door.

Leaving the Uber behind, she headed to the hotel entrance. The automatic doors opened, and she stepped into the lobby. Mieke walked up to the front desk and asked, "Excuse me, Hi. do you have any rooms available?"

The receptionist glanced up from her computer and replied, "We have a few rooms available. How many nights will you be staying?"

"Just tonight." Mieke replied.

The receptionist nodded and asked for her name. "May I have your name, please?"

"Mieke Dalton." she answered.

The receptionist processed her request, offering Mieke a reassuring smile. "Thank you, Ms. Dalton. We have a room available for you on the fifth floor, room 506. Here's your key card."

Mieke took the key card and went to the elevator. She pressed the button for the fifth floor and waited anxiously. When the elevator stopped on her floor, she stepped out and used the key card to unlock her hotel room.

After Mieke shut her hotel room door, she couldn't keep her feelings bottled up any longer. She carefully placed her bags on the floor and sank to the ground, her tears flowing down her face like a never-ending waterfall of sadness.

Sitting on the hotel room floor, Mieke covered her face with her hands, letting her sorrow overwhelm her. It was a truly heartbreaking scene, and anyone who saw it would have felt a profound sympathy for her. You could feel her pain, and her tears were like a silent reminder of all the suffering she had gone through.

Mieke's phone began to ring, interrupting her moment of sorrow. She tried to ignore the call, but the persistent ringing only made her cry harder. With trembling hands, she finally reached for her phone inside her bag. The caller displayed as her now ex-boyfriend.

Mieke declined the call, her tears blurring her vision, and then, with a heavy heart, she moved to block him. The weight of her heartache was suffocating. She reached inside her bag, grabbing all her hygiene products.

In the bathroom, Mieke's hands were trembling as she tried to take off her clothes. Each piece of clothing served as a painful reminder of the vulnerability she had experienced. Tears kept streaming down her face, and her hands were shaking as she opened the shower door. The water rushed out, and it didn't matter whether it was hot or cold, as the emotional turmoil inside her was much more overwhelming.

Mieke stood under the shower, crying uncontrollably. She was overwhelmed by a deep sense of self-disgust, and it made her cry even more. In that moment, she felt completely powerless and defeated, and the shower seemed to silently acknowledge her pain.

The water from the shower mixed with her tears as they streamed down her face, and Mieke felt overwhelmed by her thoughts. She was deeply confused, like a puzzle missing important pieces, filled with unanswered questions. It was as if her mind was in a state of chaos, making it hard to make sense of everything.

She took her exfoliating net and body wash and poured the sweet-smelling liquid into the net.

As she began to scrub her body vigorously, it felt as if she was trying to wash away not only the physical remnants but the emotional torment that clung to her.

She scrubbed relentlessly, the pain from the physical pressure a stark contrast to the emotional pain that had gripped her soul. The bathroom walls seemed to echo her pain as she continued with her motions, hoping to find some control in the midst of her turmoil.

Mieke's thoughts were like a battlefield, with different emotions fighting fiercely inside her. She felt exposed, shattered, and haunted by the deep effects of that night.

Her heart was burdened by the gravity of what had happened, and she felt utterly lost in her own sea of confusion and distress.

The shower felt like a refuge.

A place where the water mixed with her tears in an attempt to provide some comfort.

But it didn't.

It didn't make the painful memories and emotional wounds disappear.

𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ